Fixed bugs:
- Killed or crashed daemon process kept in the registry until mvnd --stop is called #154
Closed issues:
- ProjectBuildLogAppender not found when starting the daemon #165
- mvnd --status complains about Unexpected output of ps -o rss= when the process is not alive anymore #163
- mvnd native executable is not passing -Dkey=val to the daemon #157
- Messages bigger than 65535 utf code points crash the server #155
- Add a spinner, progress or something indicating that the build is going on #150
- Error when using axistools-maven-plugin #87
- Warning "Unable to create a system terminal" when running maven daemon #36
Merged pull requests:
- Improve terminal output #172 (ppalaga)
- Fixup 67d5b4b Remove leftovers #170 (ppalaga)
- Improvements #169 (gnodet)
- Use a single cache removal strategy #168 (gnodet)
- ProjectBuildLogAppender not found when starting the daemon #165 #166 (ppalaga)
- Killed or crashed daemon process kept in the registry until mvnd --st… #164 (ppalaga)
- mvnd native executable is not passing -Dkey=val to the daemon #159 (ppalaga)
- Improve the error message that reports a daemon crash #158 (ppalaga)
- Upgrade to jansi 2.0, fix windows output #151 (gnodet)