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@yu199195 yu199195 released this 24 Oct 10:03
· 1965 commits to master since this release

New Features

  1. Support PostgreSQL for admin
  2. Support dynamic loading plugin
  3. Support local modification data mode
  4. Add Websocket plugin
  5. Add CryptorRequest plugin
  6. Add CryptorResponsePlugin plugin
  7. Support Grayscale Release for SpringCloud
  8. Support Grayscale Release for Apache Dubbo
  9. Implement the async dubbo invoking for alibaba-dubbo
  10. Support external cross filter config
  11. Support sign plugin custom dynamic sign provider

API Changes

  1. Refactor shenyu config in yaml


  1. Optimze code about dubbo async call
  2. Add loadbalancer common module
  3. Optimize sql init
  4. Refactor Admin PageHelper to query list
  5. Optimize GlobalErrorHandler
  6. Optimize the return value of the'skip' method interface of'ShenyuPlugin' to boolean
  7. Optimize register rules
  8. Modify dubbo and sofa param resolve service
  9. Refactor sign plugin api
  10. Remove websocket filter


  1. Remove lombok dependency
  2. Remove mapstruct dependency
  3. Support JDK8 ~ JDK15
  4. Add missing plugin_handle sql for plugin motan

Bug Fix

  1. Fix JsonSyntaxException in jwt plugin
  2. Fix sql miss for resilience4j plugin handler
  3. Fix disruptor problem of hold event data in consume event
  4. Fix deadlock bug of HealthCheckTask
  5. Fix client retry the connection add log and increase sleep time
  6. Fix the default_group of nacos
  7. Fix maven ignore and docker entrypoint
  8. Fix admin Return password question
  9. Fix LDAP query built from user-controlled source
  10. Fix the IP address retrieval error
  11. Fix Gson toJson is null
  12. Fix the index out of range bug for context path.
  13. Fix monitor init metrics label bug
  14. Fix GlobalErrorHandler error object to map bug by JacksonUtils.toMap
  15. Fix modify response plugin order bug
  16. Fix the bug of register
  17. Fix sofa plugin register metadata and parameters resolve
  18. Fix motan ,dubbo, sofa plugin metadata init bug