An Libra Wallet POC in Chrome Browser inspired by MetaMask and Kulap Libra Wallet POC
Chrome Web Extension (based on release v.1.0.0)
- creating wallet based on BIP39, receive and transfer libra like normal wallet π°
- unlock wallet with password protected and store wallet in local storage with encryption π
- send and receive libra notification π
- integrate with web application with wallet API inspired by MetaMask π»
This extension will inject api via window.libra object.
let account = await window.libra.getAccount()
let balance = await window.libra.getBalance()
let transactions = await window.libra.getTransactions()
let result = await window.libra.transfer(address, amount)
// example
// let result = await window.libra.transfer('c4d04d41ea1453db808e2e3a559f49a39d78fcefd6b87ebd41a0440b6017ff79', 100.55)
let signature = await window.libra.sign(text)
// example
// let signature = await window.libra.sign('hello world')
await window.libra.verify(text, signature)
// this will throw reject promise if signature is invalid
// await window.libra.verify('hello world', '510161F5DEB68A0F36B6579D08B61FE38607F14699D59745329EB308A5476F54F3424E51A1F71F039CAD2C5DC988CE79F3F2D9BD15089FD764E92D720FB78500')
- npm install
- npm run watch:dev
- go the extension and enable developer mode in chrome browser
- click on "Load unpacked" and select on "dist" folder
Libra Wallet POC is released under the terms of the MIT license. See LICENSE for more information or see