Releases: apple/swift-metrics
What's Changed
SemVer Patch
- Fix 5.10 compile on Ubuntu 24.04 by @FranzBusch in #168
Full Changelog: 2.6.0...2.6.1
What's Changed
SemVer Minor
- Add
methods by @FranzBusch in #140
Other Changes
- CI use 6.1 nightlies by @rnro in #160
- Tell the truth about the supported metric types by @Lukasa in #161
- Rename nightly_6_1 params to nightly_next by @rnro in #162
- Only apply standard swift settings on valid targets by @rnro in #163
Full Changelog: 2.5.1...2.6.0
What's Changed
SemVer Patch
Other Changes
- remove contributors script by @rnro in #152
- Aligning semantic version label check name by @FranzBusch in #154
- Enable strict concurrency by @czechboy0 in #155
- Enable MemberImportVisibility check on all targets by @rnro in #156
- Update release.yml by @FranzBusch in #157
New Contributors
- @lamtrinhdev made their first contribution in #150
- @rnro made their first contribution in #151
- @czechboy0 made their first contribution in #155
- @marcprux made their first contribution in #159
Full Changelog: 2.5.0...2.5.1
What's Changed
- Raise minimum swift version to 5.8 by @PeterAdams-A in #147
- Add missing
annotations by @FranzBusch in #148 - Fix Sendability warnings by @gjcairo in #137
New Contributors
- @PeterAdams-A made their first contribution in #147
Full Changelog: 2.4.4...2.5.0
Source break fix
This release fixes a minor source break caused between 2.4.1 and 2.4.2:
The PR #133 introduced the following method:
public func record(_ duration: Duration)
There was already a similar function
public func record(_ duration: DispatchTimeInterval)
This can cause ambiguity for the compiler when using . shortcuts because of an overlap in case names, e.g.
timer.record(.nanoseconds(123)) // <-- ambiguous, is this DispatchTimeInterval or Duration?
This release fixes this by having the new method be called record(duration:)
Fixed by #144 in 2.4.3, please use 2.4.3 instead. Thank you @hamzahrmalik for the diagnosis and fix.
What changed
- Change Timer.record(duration: Duration) signature to avoid source breakage by @hamzahrmalik in #144
Full Changelog: 2.4.2...2.4.3
2.4.2 (accidental source break, use 2.4.3)
Warning: source break
This release has an accidental minor source break:
The PR #133 introduced the following method:
public func record(_ duration: Duration)
There was already a similar function
public func record(_ duration: DispatchTimeInterval)
This can cause ambiguity for the compiler when using . shortcuts because of an overlap in case names, e.g.
timer.record(.nanoseconds(123)) // <-- ambiguous, is this DispatchTimeInterval or Duration?
Fixed by #144 in 2.4.3, please use 2.4.3 instead. Thank you @hamzahrmalik for the diagnosis and fix.
What's Changed
- Support compiling against Musl by @simonjbeaumont in #142
- Introducing Timer.record(_ duration:), closes #114 by @natikgadzhi in #133
- Add CI for Swift 5.10 by @yim-lee in #138
- Align supported Swift versions with rest of the ecosystem by @FranzBusch in #141
- Update API breakage CI script by @simonjbeaumont in #143
New Contributors
- @natikgadzhi made their first contribution in #133
- @FranzBusch made their first contribution in #141
- @simonjbeaumont made their first contribution in #143
Full Changelog: 2.4.1...2.4.2
What's Changed
- Update CI by @yim-lee in #124
- Use UUID instead of NSUUID in MetricsTests by @fabianfett in #126
- Add Package.resolved to .gitignore by @fabianfett in #125
- add "meter" - a new type of metric and metric handler by @tomerd in #123
- Use the MetricsTestKit in the MetricsTests rather than using a copy of the TestMetrics utilities by @hamzahrmalik in #128
- MetricsTestKit: expose all metrics publicly. This allows users to run checks on counters when they might not know the exact label by @hamzahrmalik in #127
- Make 'values' on TestCounter, TestRecorder and TestMeter public by @hamzahrmalik in #129
New Contributors
- @hamzahrmalik made their first contribution in #128
Full Changelog: 2.3.4...2.4.0