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Frontend Mentor - REST Countries API with color theme switcher solution

This is a solution to the REST Countries API with color theme switcher challenge on Frontend Mentor. Frontend Mentor challenges help you improve your coding skills by building realistic projects.

Table of contents


The challenge

Users should be able to:

  • See all countries from the API on the homepage
  • Search for a country using an input field
  • Filter countries by region
  • Click on a country to see more detailed information on a separate page
  • Click through to the border countries on the detail page
  • Toggle the color scheme between light and dark mode (optional)



My process

Built with

What I learned

During this project, I got to use my knowledge in React Router and Tailwind CSS. I used almost everything I learned in tutorial section of React Router. Routing could be confusing at first but it gets fun as you understand the concepts little by little while doing a project.

export const router = createBrowserRouter([
    path: "/",
    element: <Root />,
    errorElement: <ErrorPage />,
    children: [
        errorElement: <ErrorPage />,
        children: [
            index: true,
            element: <Home />,
            loader: countriesLoader,
            path: "/detail/:id",
            element: <CountryDetail />,
            loader: countryLoader,

I know this is not much, but I enjoyed my self in the process.

Continued development

I want to do more projects where I'm gonna learn a lot while doing. I'm going to learn TypeScript and a little bit of backend technology like Firebase.



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