This repository contains the best resources for coding interview prep and mastering leetcode.
- Hash Tables
- Linked List
- Recursion
- Sorting
- Binary Search
- Stacks
- Queues
- Trees
- Tries
- Backtracking
- Heaps
- Breadth First Search
- Depth First Search
- Graph Theory
- Dynaymic Programming
- Big O Cheat Sheet
- 14 Coding Interview Patterns
- Sliding Window
- Two Pointers
- Merge Intervals
- Cyclic Sort
- Monotonic Stack
- Two Heaps
- Subsets
- Modified Binary Search
- Top K Elements
- K-way merge
- In-place Reversal of Linked List
- DFS Pattern
- BFS Pattern
- O-1 Knapsack
- Topological Sort
- Redundant Connection
- Course Schedule
- Course Schedule II
- Number of connected components in an undirected graph
- Shortest Path to Get All Keys
- Pacific Atlantic Waterflow
- Word Ladder
- Number of Islands
- Clone Graph
- Alien Dictionary
- Construct binary tree from preorder and inorder traversal
- Diameter of Binary Tree
- Invert Binary Tree
- Count good nodes in Binary Tree
- Serialize and Deserialize Binary Tree
- Kth smallest element in BST
- Lowest Common Ancestor of a BST
- Path Sum
- Path Sum II
- Merge two Binary Trees
- Word Search
- Word Search II
- Maximum Width of Binary Tree
- Reverse Linked List
- Reverse Linked List II
- Rotate List
- Odd Even Linked List
- Swap Nodes in Pairs
- Reverse nodes in K group
- LRU Cache
Your open-source contributions are appreciated!