aframe-element is a library inspired from the very nice library Polymer lit to map A-Frame AR / VR / 3D elements on typescript classes like Angular/React/Lit.
Used with @metapins/lit-observable, you can create simple, fast and reactive WebXR 3D /AR and VR scenes with all modern web development good practices.
Use the package manager npm to install aframe-element.
npm install @metapins/aframe-element
import { customElement, AFrameElement } from '@metapins/aframe-element';
exports My3dElement extends AFrameElement {
render() {
return html`
<a-entity text="value: Hello World;"></a-entity>
import { customElement, AFrameElement } from '@metapins/aframe-element';
exports MyTextElement extends AFrameElement {
static schema: {
text: { type: 'string' },
render() {
return html`
<a-entity text="value: ${};"></a-entity>
<a-my-text-element _text="Hello World"></a-my-text-element>
import { customElement, AFrameElement } from '@metapins/aframe-element';
exports MyTextElement extends AFrameElement {
static schema: {
text: { type: 'string' },
render() {
return html`
<a-entity text="value: ${};"></a-entity>
<a-entity my-text-element="text: Hello World;"></a-entity>
import { customElement, AFrameElement } from '@metapins/aframe-element';
exports My3dElement extends AFrameElement {
init() {
console.log('component initilized', this.el);
render() {
return html`
<a-entity text="value: Hello World;"></a-entity>
import { customElement, AFrameElement } from '@metapins/aframe-element';
export class PawnElement extends AFrameElement {
private background$ = new BehaviorSubject<string>('grey');
render() {
return html`
scale="1 1 0.1"
material="color: ${observe(this.background$)}"
@mouseenter=${() => this.background$.next('white')}
@mouseleave=${() => this.background$.next('grey')}
<a-scene cursor="rayOrigin: mouse; fuse: false;">
More information about @metapins/lit-observable here
- Demo:
- Source code:
- Demo:
- Source code:
The owner of the multiplayer game is the first to open the link (player yellow). Next users to open the demo are red.
Tips: You can open 2 tabs on the same browser to test multiplayer mode.
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.