Project with firmware for Arduino UNO and applications for controlling it via bluetooth.
You can manage your LED on PWM using app which connects to HC-06 module. A slider and fade-in and fade-off buttons are available for control.
- Arduino UNO board
- HC-06 Bluetooth module
- Just a LED
Connect RX and TX only after uploading the firmware and shutdown. Otherwise, you won't be able to upload it.
Component's pin | Arduino pin |
HC-06's VCC | 5v |
HC-06's GND | GND |
HC-06's RX | TX |
HC-06's TX | RX |
LED + | ~11 |
LED - | GND |
The dimmer project includes a Bluetooth connection and control application for Android. The app was created using AppInventor.
Before proceeding, make sure installation from unknown sources is allowed.
- Download PWM_LED App.apk from Releases.
- Open file from your phone.
- Click "Install" and then "Open" to launch it.
- Make sure that everything is properly connected.
- Open the Bluetooth settings.
- Select HC-06 device in list and connect to it.
- Go to the PWM_LED application.
- Click Search Devices. The HC-06 device will be shown. Click on it to select.
- As soon as the State under the slider says "Connected", you can control the brightness using the slider.
You can also check out app on AppInventor Gallery. If you want to see code of app and change it - please click "Load App Into MIT App Inventor". You can also contribute by exporting your project.