Perception is a tool used to gain better network visibility by pulling LAN information from IOS network devices. Inventory information is indexed using Elasticsearch.
Run the Install:
Edit the /etc/perception/config/ file.
Example Configuration:
# Database Info drivername: postgres host: localhost database: perception_db username: perception_user password: perception_passwd # Application Info discovery_mode: passive # You should not use this # Setup PKI and stop being lazy! # Svc Account password # svc_account_passwd: insecure_password # ------------------------- # MessageQueuing # ------------------------- mq_host = 'localhost' mq_port = 5672 mq_ssl = False mq_user = 'guest' mq_password = 'guest' # -------------------------- # Elasticsearch Indexer Info # -------------------------- es_host = '' es_port = 9200 es_ssl = False es_index = 'perception' es_direct = True
There are two parts to this application.
Perception CLI:
The cli is used to configure the Perception application (ie. add core routers/switches) and should be intuitive for network admins that are familiar with IOS type cli's. There is also show commands to see current infrastructure and locally connected hosts. /usr/bin/perception_cli
Perception Daemon:
sudo /usr/bin/perceptiond start | stop | restart The Daemon manages three process. The SeedStarter(), DiscoveryProtocolSpider(), and RSInventoryUpdater(). It is required that the service accounts used for for Perception are configured to use SSH public key authentication. You can find configuration examples here:[NSRC_ORG]( and here: [Cisco Support Forum]( SeedStarter() checks for new seed routers To interrogate. The following example show how to add a seed router in the Perception CLI: hostname> config hostname(config)# seeds hostname(config/seeds)# add info_svc_account The interrogation of the network devices yields information about locally connected hosts, subnets arp-cache tables and discovery protocol information. If discovery mode is configured as "active" [default=passive], during interrogation the local hosts will be port scanned using nmap -sS -A host_ip. DiscoveryProtocolSpider() checks the DiscoveryProtocolFinding table for new network devices to interrogate and adds them to the SeedRouter table. RSInventoryUpdater() is the process to re-interrogate the network devices and keep the inventory up to date. Show commands: show infrastructure Displays the discovered network devices. show seeds Displays the current devices. Run commands: hostname> run discovery on hostname> run discovery on hostname> run vuln_scan on hostname> run vuln_scan on