- Lightweight installation package
- Simple and elegant UI
- Generate lorem ipsum in different units (word, sentence, paragraph)
- Fast copy generated text using keyboard shortcut (
If you want to run this project in your local system, please follow this guide:
Fork this project
Clone the project to your local system using this command
Follow this guide to set up Tauri environment
$ git clone https://github.com/<your_github_username>/lorem-app.git
- Change directory to the root directory of this project
$ cd lorem-app
- Install all dependencies using npm or yarn
$ npm install
- Run the project in development mode. Please note that it might takes some times for Cargo to install dependencies for the first run.
$ npm run tauri dev
- Tauri https://tauri.studio
- Solidjs https://github.com/solidjs/solid
- lorem-ipsum.js https://github.com/knicklabs/lorem-ipsum.js