This is my configuration. It's all my dotfiles, along with a simple script to set up my environment and install programs I can't live without.
Built by following this wonderful tutorial.
The bootstrap script will download clone this repo, stash the differences in the local and remote dotfiles, and load 'em in.
bash <(curl -s
This bring along a config
alias for commiting in changes into the config repository.
For example if you update your .zshrc
file you can push up the changes like so.
config add .zshrc
config commit -m "Updated zshrc"
config push
After downloading this repo, run ./bin/install
to install the following:
- Homebrew
- Cask
- Google Chrome
- iterm2
- VS Code
- spotify
- Slack
- Muzzle
- Alfred
- Figma
- Divvy
- Flux
- Tor Browser
- Postman
- mamp
- Postico
- Sequel Pro
- Mongodb Compass
- postgresql
- mongodb
- Oh My Zsh
- n
- trash-cli
- spoof