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Deployment script files and documentation for single tenant setup
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vaishnavipulluri committed May 19, 2023
1 parent 0aa22d6 commit 222d228
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Binary file added Images/00_PS_Bicep_Version.png
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@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
@description('Specify the name of automation account to be created.\r\nUse only alphanumerics and hyphens.\r\nThe name must not start or end with alphanumeric and must be 6 - 50 characters in length.\r\n')
param automationAccountName string

@description('Enter location. If you leave this field blank resource group location would be used.')
param location string = resourceGroup().location

resource automationAccount 'Microsoft.Automation/automationAccounts@2022-08-08' = {
name: automationAccountName
location: location
identity: {
type: 'SystemAssigned'
properties: {
sku: {
name: 'Basic'

resource microsoftGraphAuthentication 'Microsoft.Automation/automationAccounts/modules@2022-08-08' = {
name: 'Microsoft.Graph.Authentication'
location: location
parent: automationAccount
properties: {
contentLink: {
uri: ''

resource msIdentityTools 'Microsoft.Automation/automationAccounts/modules@2022-08-08' = {
name: 'MSIdentityTools'
location: location
parent: automationAccount
properties: {
contentLink: {
uri: ''
dependsOn: [

output automationAccountManagedIdentity string = automationAccount.identity.principalId

Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,251 @@
function Install-AzTSMMARemovalUtilitySolutionConsolidated {
This command would help in installing MMA Removal Utility Solution in your subscription.
This command will install an MMA Removal Utility Solution which helps to discover and remove MMA agent installed on Virtual Machines.
.PARAMETER RemediationIdentityHostSubId
Subscription id in which remediation identity (MI) is to be created.
.PARAMETER RemediationIdentityHostRGName
Name of ResourceGroup where remediation identity (MI) will be created.
.PARAMETER RemediationIdentityName
Name of the remediation identity (MI) to be used by the MMA Removal Utility.
.PARAMETER SubscriptionId
Subscription id in which MMA Removal Utility Solution needs to be installed.
Name of ResourceGroup where setup resources will be created.
Location where all resources will get created. Default location is EastUS2.
.PARAMETER TemplateFilePath
Azure ARM template path used to deploy MMA Removal Utility Solution.
.PARAMETER TemplateParameters
Azure ARM template parameters used to deploy MMA Removal Utility Solution.
.PARAMETER DisableUsageTelemetry
When DisableUsageTelemetry switch is not used, usage telemetry captures usage data and sends it to Microsoft servers. This will help in improving the product quality and prioritize meaningfully on the highly used features.
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = "Default", HelpMessage = "Subscription id in which remediation identity for MMA Removal Utility Solution is to be created.")]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = "TenantScope", HelpMessage = "Subscription id in which remediation identity for MMA Removal Utility Solution is to be created.")]

[Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = "Default", HelpMessage = "Name of ResourceGroup where remediation identity for MMA Removal Utility Solution will be created.")]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = "TenantScope", HelpMessage = "Name of ResourceGroup where remediation identity for MMA Removal Utility Solution will be created.")]
$RemediationIdentityHostRGName = 'AzTS-MMARemovalUtility-RG',

[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = "Default", HelpMessage = "Name of the remediation identity to be used by the MMA Removal Utility Solution.")]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = "TenantScope", HelpMessage = "Name of the remediation identity to be used by the MMA Removal Utility Solution.")]

[Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = "Default", HelpMessage = "List of target subscription(s) from which MMA agent to be removed. Identity will be granted 'Reader' and 'Virtual Machine Contributor' access on target subscription(s).")]
$TargetSubscriptionIds = @(),

[Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = "Default", HelpMessage = "List of target management group(s) from which MMA agent to be removed. Identity will be granted 'Reader' and 'Virtual Machine Contributor' access on target management group(s).")]
$TargetManagementGroupNames = @(),

[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = "TenantScope", HelpMessage = "Switch to enable MMA Removal Utility to run on tenant scope")]

[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = "Default", HelpMessage = "Subscription id in which MMA Removal Utility Solution needs to be installed.")]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = "TenantScope", HelpMessage = "Subscription id in which MMA Removal Utility Solution needs to be installed.")]

[Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = "Default", HelpMessage = "Name of ResourceGroup where setup resources will be created.")]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = "TenantScope", HelpMessage = "Name of ResourceGroup where setup resources will be created.")]
$HostRGName = "AzTS-MMARemovalUtility-Host-RG",

[Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = "Default", HelpMessage = "Location where all resources will get created. Default location is EastUS2.")]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = "TenantScope", HelpMessage = "Location where all resources will get created. Default location is EastUS2.")]
$Location = "EASTUS2",

[Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = "Default")]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = "TenantScope")]
$TemplateFilePath = ".\MMARemovalUtilityDeploymentTemplate.bicep",

[Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = "Default")]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = "TenantScope")]
$TemplateParameters = @{},

[Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = "Default", HelpMessage = "Usage telemetry captures anonymous usage data and sends it to Microsoft servers. This will help in improving the product quality and prioritize meaningfully on the highly used features.")]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = "TenantScope", HelpMessage = "Usage telemetry captures anonymous usage data and sends it to Microsoft servers. This will help in improving the product quality and prioritize meaningfully on the highly used features.")]
$DisableUsageTelemetry = $false,

[Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = "Default", HelpMessage = "Azure environment in which MMA Removal Utility Solution needs to be installed. The acceptable values for this parameter are: AzureCloud, AzureGovernmentCloud")]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = "TenantScope", HelpMessage = "Azure environment in which MMA Removal Utility Solution needs to be installed. The acceptable values for this parameter are: AzureCloud, AzureGovernmentCloud")]
[ValidateSet("AzureCloud", "AzureGovernmentCloud")]
$AzureEnvironmentName = "AzureCloud",

[Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = "Default", HelpMessage="Switch to validate required modules. If passed command will check needed modules with required version, will install required modules if not available in the system.")]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = "TenantScope", HelpMessage="Switch to validate required modules. If passed command will check needed modules with required version, will install required modules if not available in the system.")]
$SetupAzModules = $false

Begin {
$currentContext = $null
$contextHelper = [ContextHelper]::new()
$currentContext = $contextHelper.SetContext($RemediationIdentityHostSubId)
if (-not $currentContext) {

Process {

$inputParams = $PSBoundParameters
# Load AzTS Setup script in session
. ".\MMARemovalUtilitySetup.ps1"
# Get logger instance
$logger = [Logger]::new($SubscriptionId)
$logger.PublishCustomMessage($([Constants]::DoubleDashLine + "`r`nMethod Name: Install-MMARemovalUtilitySolutionConsolidated `r`nInput Parameters: $(($inputParams | Out-String).TrimEnd()) `r`n"), $([Constants]::MessageType.Info))
$logger.PublishCustomMessage($([Constants]::DoubleDashLine), $([Constants]::MessageType.Info))
$logger.PublishCustomMessage("Starting AzTS MMA Removal Utility Solution installation. This may take 5-10 mins...", $([Constants]::MessageType.Info))
$logger.PublishCustomMessage($($([Constants]::QuickInstallSolutionInstructionMsg)), $([Constants]::MessageType.Info))

# Step 0: Validate and install required Az modules
if ($SetupAzModules)
$logger.PublishCustomMessage("**Step 0**: Validate prerequisites.", $([Constants]::MessageType.Info))
$allPrerequisiteMet = Setup-Prerequisites

if (-not $allPrerequisiteMet)
$logger.PublishCustomMessage("One or more required Az modules are missing. AzTS setup will be skipped.", $([Constants]::MessageType.Error))
$logger.PublishLogMessage("All required modules are available.")


# Step 1: Setting up remediation identity
# 1- Create remediation MI and grant 'Reader' and 'VM Contributor' permission on target subscriptions.
$logger.PublishCustomMessage("**Step 1**: Set up managed identity to discover/remove MMA agent.", $([Constants]::MessageType.Info))
$logger.PublishCustomMessage("Setting up AzTS MMA Removal Utility Solution identity...`n", $([Constants]::MessageType.Info))

if ($TenantScope -eq $true)
$TargetManagementGroupNames += $"/providers/Microsoft.Management/managementGroups/$currentContext.Tenant.Id"

$UserAssignedIdentity = Set-AzTSMMARemovalUtilitySolutionRemediationIdentity -SubscriptionId $RemediationIdentityHostSubId `
-ResourceGroupName $RemediationIdentityHostRGName `
-Location $Location `
-UserAssignedIdentityName $RemediationIdentityName `
-TargetSubscriptionIds $TargetSubscriptionIds `
-TargetManagementGroupNames $TargetManagementGroupNames `

if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($UserAssignedIdentity))
# No need to log Error message, it's done by the above command itself
# If UserAssignedIdentity is null stop script execution, as it represent error occurred while setting up remediation identity
$logger.PublishLogMessage("Error occurred while setting up remediation identity.")
$logger.PublishLogMessage("Resource id and principal Id generated for user identity:`r`nPrincipalId: $($UserAssignedIdentity.PrincipalId) `r`nResourceId: $($UserAssignedIdentity.Id) `r`n$([Constants]::DoubleDashLine)")

# Step 2. Set context and deploy AzTS resources in Host RG and Subscription ****

$logger.PublishCustomMessage("**Step 2**: Install AzTS MMA Removal Utility Solution setup.", $([Constants]::MessageType.Info))
$logger.PublishCustomMessage("Started setting up AzTS MMA Removal Utility Solution..." ,$([Constants]::MessageType.Info))
# Set the context to hosting subscription
$azContext = Set-AzContext -SubscriptionId $SubscriptionId

# Invoke install solution command
$CommandArguments = @{
SubscriptionId = $SubscriptionId
HostRGName = $HostRGName
Location = $Location
ManagedIdentityId = $UserAssignedIdentity.Id
AzureEnvironmentName = $AzureEnvironmentName
TemplateFilePath = $TemplateFilePath
TemplateParameters = $TemplateParameters
DisableUsageTelemetry = $DisableUsageTelemetry
ConsolidatedSetup = $true

$DeploymentResult = Install-AzTSMMARemovalUtilitySolution @CommandArguments

if ((($DeploymentResult | Measure-Object).Count -eq 0) -or (($DeploymentResult.Outputs | Measure-Object).Count -eq 0))
# No need to log Error message in console, it's done by the above command itself
# If deployment result is null stop script execution, as it represent error occurred while deploying AzTS resources
$logger.PublishLogMessage("Error occurred during deployment of AzTS MMA Removal Utility Solution components in subscription.")

$logger.PublishLogMessage("Deployment of AzTS components completed.")

# Step 3. Set required discovery scopes in scope resolver trigger processor.
$logger.PublishCustomMessage("**Step 3**: Configure MMA Removal utility scope(s).", $([Constants]::MessageType.Info))
$logger.PublishCustomMessage("Started setting up MMA Removal utility scope(s)..." ,$([Constants]::MessageType.Info))

$CommandArguments = @{
SubscriptionId = $HostSubscriptionId
ResourceGroupName = $HostRGName
TargetSubscriptionIds = $TargetSubscriptionIds
TargetManagementGroupNames = $TargetManagementGroupNames
TenantScope = $TenantScope
ConsolidatedSetup = $true

$response = Set-AzTSMMARemovalUtilitySolutionScopes @CommandArguments

if ($response)
$logger.PublishCustomMessage("Completed MMA Removal utility scope(s) configuration.", $([Constants]::MessageType.Info))
$logger.PublishCustomMessage("$([Constants]::NextSteps -f $UIUrl)", $([Constants]::MessageType.Info))
else {
$logger.PublishLogMessage("Error occurred while configuring MMA Removal utility scope(s).")



return $DeploymentResult


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