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SINIKI committed Apr 29, 2021
1 parent 18258b1 commit d340716
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Showing 3 changed files with 144 additions and 56 deletions.
10 changes: 9 additions & 1 deletion Scripts/AzTSPushOrgMappingEvents.Gov.ps1
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -57,7 +57,15 @@ function PushOrgMappingEvents([string] $OrgMappingFilePath, [string] $LogAnaytic
$body = Get-Content $FilePath | ConvertFrom-Csv
$body | ForEach-Object {

$OrgMappingList+= @{ "BGName" = $_.BGName; "ServiceGroupName" = $_.ServiceGroupName; "SubscriptionId" =$_.SubscriptionId; "SubscriptionName" = $_.SubscriptionName; "IsActive" = $_.IsActive; "OwnerDetails" = $_.OwnerDetails }
$OrgMappingList+= @{
"OrganizationName" = $_.OrganizationName ;
"DivisionName" = $_.DivisionName ;
"ServiceGroupName" = $_.ServiceGroupName ;
"TeamGroupName" = $_.TeamGroupName ;
"ServiceName" = $_.ServiceName ;
"SubscriptionId" = $_.SubscriptionId ;
"SubscriptionName" = $_.SubscriptionName ;
$postbody = $OrgMappingList | ConvertTo-Json
$lawsBodyByteArray = ([System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes($postbody))
Expand Down
10 changes: 9 additions & 1 deletion Scripts/AzTSPushOrgMappingEvents.ps1
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -57,7 +57,15 @@ function PushOrgMappingEvents([string] $OrgMappingFilePath, [string] $LogAnaytic
$body = Get-Content $FilePath | ConvertFrom-Csv
$body | ForEach-Object {

$OrgMappingList+= @{ "BGName" = $_.BGName; "ServiceGroupName" = $_.ServiceGroupName; "SubscriptionId" =$_.SubscriptionId; "SubscriptionName" = $_.SubscriptionName; "IsActive" = $_.IsActive; "OwnerDetails" = $_.OwnerDetails }
$OrgMappingList+= @{
"OrganizationName" = $_.OrganizationName ;
"DivisionName" = $_.DivisionName ;
"ServiceGroupName" = $_.ServiceGroupName ;
"TeamGroupName" = $_.TeamGroupName ;
"ServiceName" = $_.ServiceName ;
"SubscriptionId" = $_.SubscriptionId ;
"SubscriptionName" = $_.SubscriptionName ;
$postbody = $OrgMappingList | ConvertTo-Json
$lawsBodyByteArray = ([System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes($postbody))
Expand Down
180 changes: 126 additions & 54 deletions Scripts/ExecutionScript.ps1
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,56 +1,20 @@

#****************** Prerequisite *****************

# *** 1. Validate prerequisites on machine
# *** 1 of 6. Validate prerequisites on machine
#Ensure that you are using Windows OS and have PowerShell version 5.0 or higher


# *** 2. Installing Az Modules
# *** 2 of 6. Installing Az Modules
# Install Az Modules
Install-Module -Name Az.Accounts -AllowClobber -Scope CurrentUser -repository PSGallery
Install-Module -Name Az.Resources -AllowClobber -Scope CurrentUser -repository PSGallery
Install-Module -Name Az.Storage -AllowClobber -Scope CurrentUser -repository PSGallery
Install-Module -Name Az.ManagedServiceIdentity -AllowClobber -Scope CurrentUser -repository PSGallery
Install-Module -Name Az.Monitor -AllowClobber -Scope CurrentUser -repository PSGallery

# *** 3. Setting up scanning identity
#Before creating user-assigned managed identity, please connect to AzureAD and AzAccount with the tenant Id where you want to use AzTS solution.
Connect-AzAccount -Tenant <TenantId>
Connect-AzureAD -TenantId <TenantId>

# i) You can create user-assigned managed identity with below PowerShell command
# Step 1: Set context to subscription where user-assigned managed identity needs to be created
Set-AzContext -SubscriptionId "<MIHostingSubId>"

# Step 2: Create resource group where user-assigned MI resource will be created.
New-AzResourceGroup -Name "<MIHostingRGName>" -Location "<Location>"

# Step 3: Create user-assigned managed identity
$UserAssignedIdentity = New-AzUserAssignedIdentity -ResourceGroupName "<MIHostingRGName>" -Name "<USER ASSIGNED IDENTITY NAME>"

# Step 4: Save resource id generated for user identity using below command. This will be used in AzTS Soln installation.


# ii) Assign reader access to user-assigned managed identity on target subscriptions to be scanned.

# Add target subscriptionds in place of <SubIdx>
$TargetSubscriptionIds = @("<SubId1>","<SubId2>","<SubId3>")

$TargetSubscriptionIds | % {
New-AzRoleAssignment -ApplicationId $UserAssignedIdentity.ClientId -Scope "/subscriptions/$_" -RoleDefinitionName "Reader"

# *** 3. Set context and validate you have 'Owner' access on subscrption where solution needs to be installed ****

# Set the context to hosting subscription
$HostSubscriptionId = "<HostSubscriptionId>"

Set-AzContext -SubscriptionId $HostSubscriptionId

# **** 4. Download and extract deployment template
# **** 3 of 6. Download and extract deployment template

# i) Download deployment package zip from link ( to your local machine.

Expand All @@ -74,20 +38,128 @@

. ".\AzTSSetup.ps1"

# *** 4 of 6. Setting up scanning identity
#Before creating user-assigned managed identity, please connect to AzureAD and AzAccount with the tenant Id where you want to use AzTS solution.

# Clear existing login, if any

# **** 5. Run Setup Command
# Set the context to hosting subscription
Set-AzContext -SubscriptionId "<HostingSubId>"

# Connect to AzureAD and AzAccount
Connect-AzAccount -Tenant <TenantId>
Connect-AzureAD -TenantId <TenantId>

# Provide resource group name where resources will be created
$ScanHostRGName = "<ResourceGroupName>" #RG name where
$Location = "<ResourceLocation>" # eg. EastUS2
# i) You can create user-assigned managed identity (MI) with below PowerShell command

# Subscription id in which scanner MI needs to be created.
$MIHostingSubId = "<MIHostingSubId>"

# Resource group name in which scanner MI needs to be created.
$MIHostingRGName = "<MIHostingRGName>"

# Location in which scanner MI needs to be created.
# Note: For better performance, we recommend hosting the MI and resources setup using AzTS Soln installation command in one location.
$Location = "<Location>"

# Name of the scanner MI.

# List of target subscription(s) that needs to be scanned by AzTS.
# This command assigns 'Reader' access to user-assigned managed identity on target subscriptions. Add target subscriptionds in place of <SubIdx>
$TargetSubscriptionIds = @("<SubId1>","<SubId2>","<SubId3>")

# Step 1: Create user-assigned managed identity
$UserAssignedIdentity = Set-AzSKTenantSecuritySolutionScannerIdentity -SubscriptionId $MIHostingSubId `
-ResourceGroupName $MIHostingRGName `
-Location $Location `
-UserAssignedIdentityName $MIName `
-TargetSubscriptionIds $TargetSubscriptionIds

# Step 2: Save resource id and principal Id generated for user identity using below command. This will be used in AzTS Soln installation.


# ii) Grant user-assigned managed identity read access to Privileged Identity Management APIs for Azure resources.

# Grant Graph Permission to the user-assigned managed identity.
# NOTE: This step requires admin consent. Therefore, the signed-in user must be a member of one of the following administrator roles:
# Required Permission: Global Administrator, Privileged Role Administrator, Application Administrator or Cloud Application Administrator.
Grant-AzSKGraphPermissionToUserAssignedIdentity -ScanIdentityObjectId $UserAssignedIdentity.PrincipalId -AppPermissionsRequired @("PrivilegedAccess.Read.AzureResources", "Directory.Read.All")

# If you do not have the permission required to complete this step, please contact your administrator.
# To proceed without this step, set the value of "-ScanIdentityHasGraphPermission" parameter to false in AzTS installation command. Example: -ScanIdentityHasGraphPermission:$false.
# By setting '-ScanIdentityHasGraphPermission' to $false, you are choosing to disable features dependent on Graph API.
# Read more about this under the section "Step 4 of 6. Setting up scanning identity" in GitHub doc.

# *** 5 of 6. Setup Azure AD application for AzTS UI and API

# Step 1: Setup AD application for AzTS UI and API

# OPTION 1: Use following command to use an existing AD application or provide a custom name for Azure AD application.
# Name of the Azure AD application to be used by AzTS API
$WebAPIAzureADAppName = "<WebAPIAzureADAppName>"

# Name of the Azure AD application to be used by AzTS UI
$UIAzureADAppName = "<UIAzureADAppName>"

$ADApplicationDetails = Set-AzSKTenantSecurityADApplication -WebAPIAzureADAppName $WebAPIAzureADAppName -UIAzureADAppName $UIAzureADAppName

# OPTION 2: Use the default naming convention.
# Subscription id in which Azure Tenant Security Solution needs to be installed.
$HostSubscriptionId = "<HostSubscriptionId>"

# Resource group name in which Azure Tenant Security Solution needs to be installed.
$HostResourceGroupName = "<HostResourceGroupName>"

$ADApplicationDetails = Set-AzSKTenantSecurityADApplication -SubscriptionId $HostSubscriptionId -ScanHostRGName $HostResourceGroupName

# Step 2: Save WebAPIAzureADAppId and UIAzureADAppId generated for Azure AD application using below command. This will be used in AzTS Soln installation.


# *** 6 of 6. Set context and validate you have 'Owner' access on subscrption where solution needs to be installed ****

# Run Setup Command
# i) Set the context to hosting subscription
$HostSubscriptionId = "<HostSubscriptionId>"

Set-AzContext -SubscriptionId $HostSubscriptionId

# Provide resource group name where resources will be created
$ScanHostRGName = "<ResourceGroupName>" #RG name where solution needs to be installed
$Location = "<ResourceLocation>" # eg. EastUS2
$EmailIds = @('<EmailId1>', '<EmailId2>', '<EmailId3>') # Comma-separated list of user email ids who should be sent the monitoring email.

# ii) Run install solution command
$DeploymentResult = Install-AzSKTenantSecuritySolution `
-SubscriptionId $HostSubscriptionId `
-ScanHostRGName $ScanHostRGName `
-ScanIdentityId $UserAssignedIdentity.Id `
-Location $Location `
-WebAPIAzureADAppId $ADApplicationDetails.WebAPIAzureADAppId `
-UIAzureADAppId $ADApplicationDetails.UIAzureADAppId `
-SendUsageTelemetry:$true `
-ScanIdentityHasGraphPermission:$false `
-SendAlertNotificationToEmailIds $EmailIds `

# iii) Save internal user-assigned managed identity name generated using below command. This will be used to grant Graph permission to internal MI.
$InternalIdentityName = $DeploymentResult.Outputs.internalMIName.Value

# iv) Grant internal MI 'User.Read.All' permission.

# **Note:** To complete this step, signed-in user must be a member of one of the following administrator roles: </br>
# Required Permission: Global Administrator, Privileged Role Administrator, Application Administrator or Cloud Application Administrator.
# If you do not have the required permission, please contact your administrator.
# Read more about this under the section "Step 6 of 6. Run Setup Command" in GitHub doc.

Grant-AzSKGraphPermissionToUserAssignedIdentity `
-SubscriptionId $HostSubscriptionId `
-ResourceGroupName $ScanHostRGName `
-IdentityName $InternalIdentityName `
-AppPermissionsRequired @('User.Read.All')

# Run install solution command
Install-AzSKTenantSecuritySolution `
-SubscriptionId $HostSubscriptionId `
-ScanHostRGName $ScanHostRGName `
-ScanIdentityId $UserAssignedIdentity.Id `
-Location $Location `

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