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puts "Hello world"
puts {Hello world}


# This is a comment
puts {Hello world}; # Lines with comments must be terminated with a ;

Assign variables

set name Pranav
# Sets name = "Pranav" and also prints "Pranav"
set full_name "Pranav Ballaney"
set full_name {Pranav Ballaney}
# Arrays
set a(0) 5
set a(1) 10

Retreive value of variable

set name; # Prints "Pranav"
puts $name; # Prints "Pranav"
set a(0); # Prints 5
set a(1); # Prints 10
set a(2); # Throws error

Print variable

set var "Welcome to Tcl"
puts "$var"
# Prints "Welcome to Tcl" 

However, {} does not perform substitution.

puts {$var}

Prints "$var" literally.

Grouping arguments with []

set x abc
puts $x; # Prits abc
set y [set x "def"]; # Prits def
# [] evaluate contents and return 
puts $x; # Prints def


expr 2 + 2; # Prints 4
expr "{Hello}" eq "{Hello}"; # Prints 1
expr "{Hello}" eq "{hello}"; # Prints 0
expr $a(0) + $a(1); # Prints 15



  • numerical value 0
  • no
  • false True:
  • all other numerial values
  • yes
  • true


set a 2
if {yes} {puts $a}; # Prints 2
if {TrUe} {puts $a}; # Prints 2

set x 1
if {$x == 2} {
    puts "\$x is 2"
else {
    puts "\$x is not 2"
if "$$x == 2"

This causes it to first substitute $x with 1 and then compare $1 to 2. Since $1 does not exist here, it throws an error.

Switch statement:

set x "ONE"
set y 1
set z ONE

switch $x {
    "$z" {
        set y1 [expr {$y + 1}]
        puts "MATCH \$z. $y + $z is $y1"
    ONE {
        set y1 [expr {$y + 1}]
        puts "MATCH ONE. $y + 1 is $y1"
    TWO {
        set y1 [expr {$y + 2}]
        puts "MATCH TWO. $y + 2 is $y1"
    default {
        puts "$x is not a match."

Prints "MATCH ONE. 1 + 1 is 2." It does not match $z because it matches ONE before it enters the substitution phase.

However, if the block is written in the following way:

switch $x "$z" {
        set y1 [expr {$y + 1}]
        puts "MATCH \$z. $y + $z is $y1"
    } ONE {
        set y1 [expr {$y + 1}]
        puts "MATCH ONE. $y + 1 is $y1"
    } TWO {
        set y1 [expr {$y + 2}]
        puts "MATCH TWO. $y + 2 is $y1"
    } default {
        puts "$x is not a match."

Then it matches $z and prints MATCH $z. 1 + ONE is 2


set x 1

while {$x < 5} {
    puts "x is $x"
    set x [expr {$x + 1}]
puts "exit first loop with x = $x"

Prints "exit first loop with x = 5" If while conditions are placed in "" instead of {}, they are substituted once and then checked literally. Here, x < 5 will be substituted to 1 < 5 and will result in an infinite loop.

for {set i 0} {$i < 5} {incr i} {
    puts "I inside for loop: $i"

Prints: I inside for loop: 0 I inside for loop: 1 I inside for loop: 2 I inside for loop: 3 I inside for loop: 4

for {set i 0} {$i < 5} {incr i 2} {
    puts "I inside for loop: $i"

Prints: I inside for loop: 0 I inside for loop: 2 I inside for loop: 4


proc sum {arg1 arg2} {
    set x [expr {$arg1 + $arg2}];
    return $x
sum 4 5

Prints 9.

If return statement is omitted, the return value of the last command is returned. Built-in commands like for can also be redefined using proc.

proc abc {a {b 1} {c 2}} {
    puts "$a $b $c"

abc 10; # Prints 10 1 2
abc 10 20; # Prints 10 20 2
abc 10 20 30; # Prints 10 20 30
abc 10 20 30 40; # Throws an error
proc abc {a {b 1} {c 2} args} {
    puts "$a $b $c"

abc 10 20 30 40; # Prints 10 20 30, no error
proc example {first {second ""} args} {
    if {$second eq ""} {
        puts "There is only one argument and it is: $first"
        return 1
    } else {
        if {$args eq ""} {
            puts "There are two arguments - $first and $second"
            return 2
        } else {
        puts "There are many arguments - $first, $second, $args"
        return "many"


As usual otherwise. Can be changed with global and upvar. Skipped.


set abc {{a 1} {b 2}}
set abc [split "a 1.b 2" "."]
set abc [list "a 1" "b 2"]

All three set abc to {a 1} {b 2}.

set x "a b c"
puts "Item at index 2 of list {$x} is: [lindex $x 2]"

Prints "Item at index 2 of list {a b c} is: c"

set y [split 7/4/1776 "/"]
puts "We celebrate on the [lindex $y 1]'th day of the [lindex $y 0]'th month"

Prints "We celebrate on the 4'th day of the 7'th month."

set z [list puts "arg 2 is $y"]
puts "A command resembles: $z"

Prints "A command resembles: puts {arg 2 is 7 4 1776}"

set i 0
foreach j $x {
    puts "$j is item number $i in list x"
    incr i

Prints a is item number 0 in list x b is item number 1 in list x c is item number 2 in list x

Take a and b from different lists:

foreach a $listA b $listB {...}
set b [list a b {c d e} {f {g h}}]

puts $b; # Returns "a b {c d e} {f {g h}}"

llength $b; # Returns 4

lindex $b 3; # Returns "f {g h}"

lindex [lindex $b 3] 1; # Returns "g h"

set b [split "a b {c d e} {f {g h}}"];
llength $b; # Returns 8 because splits at spaces
lindex $b 2; # Returns "{c"

set a [concat a b {c d e} {f {g h}}]
llength $a; # Returns 7

set a [concat a b "{c d e}" "{f {g h}}"]
llength $a; # Returns 4

lappend a {ij K lm}; # Returns "a b {c d e} {f {g h}} {ij K lm}"
llength $a; # Returns 5

set b [linsert $a 3 "1 2 3"]
# Returns "a b {c d e} {1 2 3} {f {g h}} {ij K lm}"
llength $b; # Returns 6

set b [lreplace $b 3 5 "AA" "BB"]
# Replaces elements 3 to 5 with "AA" "BB".
# 3 members are replaced with 2 memberes. Length goes down by 1.
puts "After lreplacing 3 positions with 2 values at position 3: $b\n"
# Returns "a b {c d e} AA BB"
llength $b; # Returns 5

lset b 2 "New"
# Returns "a b New AA BB"

set list [list {Marc 100} {Abdul 56} {Mahesh 20} {Daniel 25} {Paul 56}]
llength $list; # Returns 5
lsearch $list Ma*; # Returns 0 because elements 0 matches
lsearch $list Mah*; # Returns 2 because elements 2 matches

lsort $list
# Returns "{Abdul 56} {Daniel 25} {Mahesh 20} {Marc 100} {Paul 56}"

lrange $list 2 3
# Returns "{Mahesh 20} {Daniel 25}"

lrange $list 3 2; # Returns nothing


set a "This is my test string"
string length $a; # 22
string index $a 5; # i
string range $a 2 10; # is is my
set a "One Two Three Four";
set b "One Two Three Four Five";
# Compare lengths
string compare $a $b; # -1
if {[string compare $a $b]} {
    puts Matched;
}; # Prints "Matched"

# Find the first occurrence of a character
string first F $a; # Prints 14
# Find the last occurrence of a character
string last o $a; # Prints 15
# Find index of first character of the word that contains specified index 
string wordstart $a 3; # Prints 3
# Find index of last character of the word that contains specified index 
string wordend $a 3; # Prints 4

string match *ree* $a;
# Prints 1 because 1 match


set myarray(name) "Pranav"
set myarray(age) 23
array exists myarray; # 1
array names myarray; # "age name"
array get myarray; # "age 23 name Pranav"
array unset myarray na*;
array get myarray; # "age 23"
set a [list "abc 1" "xyz 2"]
array set b $a
array exists b; # 1
array get b; # "{abc 1} {xyz 2}"


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