A Javadoc inspired theme for Codox. Created for the comfy feeling of familiarity.
Compare the Familiar theme to the default theme!
Add the following to project.clj
:profiles {:codox {:dependencies [[com.balloneij/familiar-codox-theme "0.1.0"]]}}
:codox {:themes [:familiar]}
- Provide a Javadoc-esque appearance without disrupting the layout a developer would expect from Codox page
- Elicit a “huh, neat” reaction, not a “what am I looking at?”
Initial release
Copyright 2023 Isaac Ballone.
Distributed under the EPL v1.0.
- This project is a derivative of the default Codox theme, which is distributed under the EPL v1.0.
- jQuery library is distributed under the MIT License.
- Highlight.js syntax highlighter is distributed under the BSD License.
- DejaVu fonts are distributed under the Bitstream Vera Fonts Copyright.
- Ring is only used for demonstration purposes. It is distributed under the MIT License.