This project is a Spring Boot web application that provides APIs for managing various resources: Labels, Statuses, Tasks, and Users. Closest reference is It is implemented Spring Security 6 with JWT authentication and uses a stack of advanced technologies such as Liquibase, PostgreSQL and MapStruct.
make test
make backend
The project uses various dependencies managed by Gradle. Key dependencies include:
- Spring Boot and its various starters (web, data JPA, actuator, security)
- JSON Web Tokens (JJWT)
- PostgreSQL and H2 Database drivers
- Liquibase for database migration
- SpringDoc OpenAPI for API documentation
- Hibernate Validator for bean validation
- MapStruct for object mapping
- Lombok for reducing boilerplate code
- Rollbar error tracking
The application exposes the following RESTful APIs:
- GET /labels: List all labels
- GET /labels/{id}: Get a label by ID
- POST /labels: Create a new label
- PUT /labels/{id}: Update a label by ID
- DELETE /labels/{id}: Delete a label by ID
- GET /statuses: List all statuses
- GET /statuses/{id}: Get a status by ID
- POST /statuses: Create a new status
- PUT /statuses/{id}: Update a status by ID
- DELETE /statuses/{id}: Delete a status by ID
- GET /tasks: List all tasks.
It is also possible to make filtration of results.
Add one or few request params: *taskStatus*, *authorId*, *executorId*, *labelsId*.
For example: GET /tasks?labelsId=1&authorId=10 will return tasks that were created by User with id=10 and that has Label with id=1
- GET /tasks/{id}: Get a task by ID
- POST /tasks: Create a new task
- PUT /tasks/{id}: Update a task by ID
- DELETE /tasks/{id}: Delete a task by ID
- GET /users: List all users
- GET /users/{id}: Get a user by ID
- POST /users: Create a new user
- PUT /users/{id}: Update a user by ID
- DELETE /users/{id}: Delete a user by ID