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@bcakmakoglu bcakmakoglu released this 05 Feb 06:58
· 387 commits to master since this release

What's Changed

Minor Changes

  • #1271 1e60944 Thanks @github-actions! - Add useNodeId composable

    🧙 Example

    const nodeId = useNodeId();
    console.log("nodeId", nodeId); // '1'
  • #1271 299408f Thanks @github-actions! - Add updateNode action

    🧙 Example

    const { updateNode } = useVueFlow();
    updateNode("1", { position: { x: 100, y: 100 } });
    // or using a function to update the node
    updateNode("1", (node) => ({ ...node, position: { x: 100, y: 100 } }));
    // passing options - `replace` will replace the node instead of merging it
      { id: "1", label: "Node 1", position: { x: 100, y: 100 } },
      { replace: true }
  • #1271 eae2118 Thanks @github-actions! - Call onNodesInitialized whenever areNodesInitialized is true instead of only once

  • #1271 36ffa3f Thanks @github-actions! - Omit events in nodes and edges when returning them from toObject

  • #1271 85536ed Thanks @github-actions! - Add useHandleConnections composable

    🧙 Example

    const connections = useHandleConnections({
      // type of the handle you are looking for - accepts a `MaybeRefOrGetter<string>`
      type: "source",
      // the id of the handle you are looking for - accepts a `MaybeRefOrGetter<string | undefined> | undefined` [OPTIONAL]
      id: "a",
      // if not provided, the node id from the NodeIdContext is used - accepts a `MaybeRefOrGetter<string | undefined> | undefined`
      nodeId: "1",
      // a cb that is called when a new connection is added
      onConnect: (params) => {
        console.log("onConnect", params);
      // a cb that is called when a connection is removed
      onDisconnect: (params) => {
        console.log("onDisconnect", params);
      (next) => {
        console.log("connections", next);
      { immediate: true }
  • #1271 4bce8c9 Thanks @github-actions! - Find handle by id regardless of number of handles that exist

  • #1271 85536ed Thanks @github-actions! - Add connectionLookup to state

  • #1271 3b02809 Thanks @github-actions! - Add onInit hook and deprecate onPaneReady

  • #1271 299408f Thanks @github-actions! - Add updateNodeData action

    🧙 Example

    const { updateNodeData } = useVueFlow();
    updateNodeData("1", { foo: "bar" });
    // or using a function to update the data
    updateNodeData("1", (data) => ({, foo: "bar" }));
    // passing options - `replace` will replace the data instead of merging it
    updateNodeData("1", { foo: "bar" }, { replace: true });
  • #1271 823956e Thanks @github-actions! - Add useNodesData composable

    🧙 Example

    Single node id

    const nodeId = "1";
    const data = useNodesData(nodeId);
    console.log(data.value); // '[{ /* ... */ }]

    Array of node ids

    const nodeIds = ["1", "2", "3"];
    const data = useNodesData(nodeIds);
    console.log(data.value); // '[{ /* ... */ }]

    Asserting data type

    import type { Node } from "@vue-flow/core";
    interface Data {
      foo: string;
      bar: string;
    type MyNode = Node<CustomNodeData>;
    const nodeId = "1";
    const data = useNodesData([nodeId], (node): node is MyNode => {
      return "foo" in && "bar" in;
    console.log(data.value); // '[{ /* foo: string; bar: string */ }]
  • #1271 99fa4fd Thanks @github-actions! - Call fitViewOnInit when initial node dimensions are available

  • #1271 9f8607f Thanks @github-actions! - Deprecate events property on nodes and edges

  • #1278 ecff6f6 Thanks @bcakmakoglu! - Add error args to VueFlowError

  • #1271 3f60a80 Thanks @github-actions! - Replace Array.forEach loops with for...of

  • #1278 ecff6f6 Thanks @bcakmakoglu! - Export isErrorOfType typeguard to narrow the type of a VueFlowError and infer it's args

Patch Changes

  • #1295 4a5aa14 Thanks @bcakmakoglu! - When updating nodes or edges by overwriting the original array, update the nodes and edges in the state by using them as the target for Object.assign. This keeps reference in-tact and ensures reactivity when these objects are changed/updated

  • #1271 bbee266 Thanks @github-actions! - Update node dimensions on next tick

Full Changelog: v1.30.1...v1.31.0