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File metadata and controls

645 lines (483 loc) · 22.5 KB

String Encoding


ASCII uses 7 bits to represent a character. By using 7 bits, we can have a maximum of 2^7 (= 128) distinct combinations. Which means that we can represent 128 characters maximum. The last bit (8th) is used for avoiding errors as parity bit. Most ASCII characters are printable characters of the alphabet such as abc, ABC, 123, ?&!, etc. The others are control characters such as carriage return, line feed, tab, etc. ASCII was meant for English only.


The main difference between ANSI and ASCII is the number of characters they can represent. ASCII was the first to be developed and when its limitations were reached, ANSI was one of the ways created to expand the number of characters that can be represented in an encoding. In ANSI, 8 bits are used; increasing the maximum number of characters to be represented up to 256. This is expanded even further because of how ANSI uses code pages with different character sets. There are a number of ANSI code pages that are meant for other languages like Japanese, Chinese, and many others. The application processing the file just needs to know which code page is in use in order to decipher the files properly.

There are many variants of Extended ASCII characters (8-bit system) to cover regional characters and symbols. One example is the extended ASCII characters which includes various letters needed for writing languages of Western Europe and certain special characters. This encoding is called ISO Latin-1 or ISO 8859-1, (ISO refers to International Organization for Standardization), which is the default character set in most browsers. The ISO 8859-1 character set includes the original ASCII character set (values 0 to 127), plus an extended character set (codes from 160-255) which contains the characters used in Western European countries and some commonly used special characters. Many Windows systems use another related 8-bit encoding, and this Microsoft specific encoding is referred to as ANSI, or Windows-1252. It is similar to ISO 8859-1 except that character codes 128-159 in ISO 8859-1 are reserved for controls whereas ANSI uses most of them for printable characters. ANSI stands for American National Standards Institute. The ANSI character set includes the standard ASCII character set (values 0 to 127), plus an extended character set (values 128 to 255).

Refs: 1

ASCII Extended (extended ASCII" or "8-bit ASCII)

Some clever people started using the 8th bit (the bit used for parity) to encode more characters to support their language (to support é, in French, for example). Just using one extra bit doubled the size of the original ASCII table to map up to 256 characters (2^8 = 256 characters).


ASCII Extended solves the problem for languages that are based on the Latin alphabet but not other languages that are completely different (Greek, Russian, Chinese) We would have needed an entirely new character set. Unicode doesn't contain every character from every language. unicode-table

You need to "encode" this abstract representation. That's where an encoding comes into play Character encoding: is used to map every character to series of bits, number or electrical pulse (Morse code, ASCII, Unicode)

Encodings: UTF-8 vs UTF-16 vs UTF-32

  • UTF-8 and UTF-16 are variable length encoding.
  • In UTF-8, a character may occupy a minimum of 8 bits.
  • In UTF-16, a character length starts with 16 bits.
  • UTF-32 is a fixed length encoding of 32 bits.

Refs: 1

Strings in Windows

8-bit AnsiStrings

  • char: 8-bit character - underlying C/C++ data type
  • CHAR: alias of char - Windows data type
  • LPSTR: null-terminated string of CHAR (Long Pointer)
  • LPCSTR: constant null-terminated string of CHAR (Long Pointer)

char is supposed to hold a character, usually an 8-bit character. wchar_t is supposed to hold a wide character, and then, things get tricky: On Linux, a wchar_t is 4 bytes, while on Windows, it's 2 bytes. neither char nor wchar_t is directly tied to unicode!.

16-bit UnicodeStrings

  • wchar_t: 16-bit character - underlying C/C++ data type
  • WCHAR: alias of wchar_t - Windows data type
  • LPWSTR: null-terminated string of WCHAR (Long Pointer)
  • LPCWSTR: constant null-terminated string of WCHAR (Long Pointer)

Depending on UNICODE define

  • TCHAR: alias of WCHAR if UNICODE is defined; otherwise CHAR
  • LPTSTR: null-terminated string of TCHAR (Long Pointer)
  • LPCTSTR: constant null-terminated string of TCHAR (Long Pointer)
Item 8-bit 16-bit Varies

LPCTSTR = L‌ong P‌ointer to a C‌onst T‌CHAR STR‌ing. a long pointer is the same as a pointer. There were two flavors of pointers under 16-bit windows.

LPSTR = char*
LPCSTR = const char*
LPWSTR = wchar_t*
LPCWSTR = const wchar_t* (This type is declared in WinNT.h as follows: typedef CONST WCHAR *LPCWSTR;)
LPTSTR = char* or wchar_t* depending on _UNICODE
LPCTSTR = const char* or const wchar_t* depending on _UNICODE

This type is declared in WinNT.h as follows:

#ifdef UNICODE

std::string is a basic_string templated on a char, and std::wstring on a wchar_t.

Type Definition
std::string std::basic_string
std::wstring std::basic_string<wchar_t>
std::u8string (C++20) std::basic_string<char8_t>
std::u16string (C++11) std::basic_string<char16_t>
std::u32string (C++11) std::basic_string<char32_t>

Refs: 1

Checklist for Windows String Programming

  1. _T(), and its Win32 equivalent TEXT(), are preprocessor macros that prepend the input value with L if _UNICODE or UNICODE are defined, respectively. The _T() macro was added when you needed to support Windows NT and later (which support Unicode) and Windows 9x/ME (which do not). These days any code using these macros is obsolete, since all modern Windows versions are Unicode-based. _T("Hello") //if defined UNICODE, change "Hello" into UNICODE; otherwise, keep it in ANSI. The plain versions without the underscore affect the character set the Windows header files treat as default. So if you define UNICODE, then GetWindowText will map to GetWindowTextW instead of GetWindowTextA, for example. Similarly, the TEXT macro will map to L"..." instead of "...". The versions with the underscore affect the character set the C runtime header files treat as default. So if you define _UNICODE, then _tcslen will map to wcslen instead of strlen, for example. Similarly, the _TEXT macro will map to L"..." instead of "...". UNICODE is used by Windows headers, whereas _UNICODE is used by C-runtime/MFC headers.

  2. Use _TCHAR and _T() with C functions. Use TCHAR and TEXT() with the Win32 API. CString is based on the TCHAR data type.", so use TEXT()

  3. Use LPTSTR and LPCTSTR instead of char * and const char *

  • LPCSTR is a pointer to a const string
  • LPCTSTR is a pointer to a const TCHAR string, (TCHAR being either a wide char or char depending on whether UNICODE is defined in your project)
  • LPTSTR is a pointer to a (non-const) TCHAR string

For C++ strings, use std::wstring instead of std::string

You don't need to use in <const char *> when you define c style strings. The reason is you don't want to increase or decrease the length of your string as it has fixed sized memory. Just because it is <char *> it doesn't mean it is in heap, and we don't call delete. it is null terminated character \0. Char are initialized with single quotation '' If you use double quotation "" it is char *

Literals and String Data Types

A string literal or anonymous string is a type of literal for the representation of a string value. in x = "foo", where "foo" is a string literal with value foo. Literal are of type char in C but const char in C++

auto c0 = 'A'; // char
auto c1 = u8'A'; // char
auto c2 = L'A'; // wchar_t
auto c3 = u'A'; // char16_t
auto c4 = U'A'; // char32_t

// Multicharacter literals
auto m0 = 'abcd'; // int, value 0x61626364

// String literals
auto s0 = "hello"; // const char*
auto s1 = u8"hello"; // const char*, encoded as UTF-8
auto s2 = L"hello"; // const wchar_t*
auto s3 = u"hello"; // const char16_t*, encoded as UTF-16
auto s4 = U"hello"; // const char32_t*, encoded as UTF-32

const char* multiline = R"(line1

C string

Strings are actually one-dimensional array of characters terminated by a null character '\0'. Here the name is a stack variable:

char name[10] = { 'b','e','h','n','a','m','\0' };

compiler output:

char name[10] = {'b', 'e', 'h', 'n', 'a', 'm', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0'};

stack variable,

char name[] = { 'b','e','h','n','a','m','\0' };

compiler output:

char name[7] = {'b', 'e', 'h', 'n', 'a', 'm', '\0'}

stack variable,

char name[] = "behnam";

compiler output:

char name[7] = "behnam";

it is on the code section of memory, this type of definition is not recommend

char* name = "behnam";

and it is better to use

const char* name = "behnam";

This will complies:

name[0] = 'C';

but it will cause segmentation fault as the variable is on the code section and code section is read only ("behnam" is a string literal and name holds the starting address of that.)

This is allowed (Value of name can be changed):

name = "Margarethe";

this code is okay since there is a '\0' at the end of string:

std::cout << "name: " << name << std::endl;

this is also okay:

char name[7] = { 'b','e', 'h', 'n', 'a','m','\0' }; //or = { 'b','e', 'h', 'n', 'a','m', 0 };
std::cout << "name: " << name << std::endl;

but this code will print lots of strange character until it hit the null termination character 0

char name[6] = { 'b','e', 'h', 'n', 'a','m' };

Declares a pointer whose data cannot be changed through the pointer:

const int *p = &someInt;


int const *p;

Declares a pointer who cannot be changed to point to something else:

int * const p = &someInt;

to make it easy to read remove the variable type, then read it like:

const int *p; ==> const *p ; ==> *p is which is data is fixed.
int const *p; ==> const *p ; ==> *p is which is data is fixed.
int * const p ==> * const p ==> p is fixed which is an address.

Difference between char * and char[]

Consider below two statements:

char a1[] = "Behnam";
char *p1  = "Behnam";
  1. a1 is an array while p1 is a pointer
  2. a is stored at stack, but p1 resides in code section of memory
  3. a1++ is invalid but p1++ is valid.
  4. sizeof(a1) will return 7 (six chars +'\0') but sizeof(p1) while return 8 (pointer size)
  5. a1 and &a1 are same but p1 and &p1are not same.
  6. a1[1]='n' is okay but p1[1]='n' will cause segmentation fault.

Refs: 1, 2, 3

size of string

  1. sizeof(string) tells you the size of the pointer, so it should NOT be used.
  2. strlen( "my string" ) could be used for c strings.
char my_str[100]="my string";
std::cout<<"size of string is: "<<strlen( my_str )<<" bytes and string is: "<< my_str <<std::endl;
  1. str.size() also return the size of c++ strings.


In C++, the strdup function (from C) is used to duplicate a string by allocating memory and copying the content of an existing string to that new memory. You would need to use strdup when you want to create a copy of a string that you plan to manage manually (for instance, when working with raw pointers and dynamic memory allocation).

Here is an example of when you might use strdup:


#include <iostream>
#include <cstring>  // for strdup and free

int main() {
    // Original string
    const char* original = "Hello, World!";
    // Duplicate the string using strdup
    char* duplicate = strdup(original);

    // Print both strings
    std::cout << "Original: " << original << std::endl;
    std::cout << "Duplicate: " << duplicate << std::endl;

    // Free the memory allocated by strdup

    return 0;

When to use strdup:

  • C-style strings: If you're working with raw C-style strings (char*) and need to make a copy of the string that requires its own memory management.
  • Manual memory management: When the duplicated string will be used independently and may need to be freed later.

Important notes:

  1. strdup allocates memory using malloc, so you must free it with free when you're done using the duplicated string.
  2. In C++, you generally don't need to use strdup if you are working with std::string, which manages memory automatically. Instead, use std::string's copy constructor or assignment operator, which is safer and more idiomatic.

C++ alternative using std::string:

#include <iostream>
#include <string>

int main() {
    // Original string
    std::string original = "Hello, World!";
    // Duplicate the string using std::string
    std::string duplicate = original;

    // Print both strings
    std::cout << "Original: " << original << std::endl;
    std::cout << "Duplicate: " << duplicate << std::endl;

    // No need to free memory, std::string handles it automatically
    return 0;

In modern C++ code, using std::string is preferable to avoid manual memory management.


A standard C-style API for searching a substring within a string can be implemented using the strstr function, which is part of the C standard library (<string.h>). The strstr function searches for the first occurrence of a substring in a string and returns a pointer to the beginning of the substring if found. Otherwise, it returns NULL.

    char haystack[] = "Hello, World!";  // Now this is modifiable
    const char *needle = "World";

    // Use strstr to find the first occurrence of the needle in the haystack
    char *result = strstr(haystack, needle);

    if (result) {
        printf("Found substring: %s\n", result);
    } else {
        printf("Substring not found.\n");

String copying

C++ String

std::string usually allocates memory dynamically, and must copy the C-style string literal to it at run time.

std::string str = "initializer syntax";
std::string str("converting constructor syntax");
std::string str = string("explicit constructor syntax");
std::string str{"uniform initializer syntax"};

warning iso c++ forbids converting a string constant to ‘char*’ -wwrite-strings

char* p1 = "John";

The problem is that string literals "this is a string literal" are of type char in C but const char in C++. This will compile but will cause segmentation fault in run time:

p1[0] = 'C';

However this will not compile:

const char* p1 = "John";
p1[0] = 'C';

to read it remove the data type char, so we would have const * p1, which mean the place in the memory that p1 is pointing is const and can not be changed.

Another solution is to change the literal from const char * to char *, which remove teh warning but it is not safe, as you can still do p1[0] = 'C'

char * p1 = (char *)"John";

You can also use a string object instead

std::string p1 = "John";

C++ string comparison

std::string::compare() returns an int:

  • equal to zero if str1 and str2 are equal,
  • less than zero if str1 is less than str2,
  • greater than zero if str1 is greater than str2.
if (! 
    // 'str1' and 'str2' are equal.

std::string::compare() is most useful for quick sort and binary search algorithms. Natural sorts and dichotomic searches can be implemented with only std::less.

you can use str1==str2 as well and and it is more readable and it will return the same value, but the compare function provides more information how the strings differ.

Refs: 1

String to Number Conversion

int, float, double to string

std::string strNumber=std::to_string(10.3);

Number to String Conversion

char to a string

char c = 'A';
std::string s(1, c);


char c = 'A';
std::string s;



std::stringstream ss;
ss << c;
ss >> s;                // or, use `s = ss.str()`

int to string

int i =std::stoi(strNumber.c_str());//10

float to string

float f=std::atof(strNumber.c_str());//10.3
float f=std::stof(strNumber);//10.3

double to string

double d =std::stod(strNumber.c_str() );//10.3

string to vector of char

std::vector<char> charVec(str.begin(),str.end() );

Spiting String By Delimiter

std::vector<std::string> spilitedString;
std::string s = "scott>=tiger>=mushroom";
std::string delimiter = ">=";

size_t pos = 0;
std::string token;
while ((pos = s.find(delimiter)) != std::string::npos)
        token = s.substr(0, pos);
        s.erase(0, pos + delimiter.length());

std::tolower, std::toupper

std::tolower() returns an integer, not a std::string, and you cannot directly cast the result to a std::string. Instead, you should convert the result of std::tolower() to a char, and then construct a std::string from that character.

 unsigned char c = 'A';
  char lower_c = static_cast<char>(std::tolower(c));

  std::string a(1, lower_c); // Create a string with one character

To correctly use std::tolower on a std::string, you need to iterate over each character of the string and apply std::tolower to it. Since std::tolower works on single characters (and returns an int), you should also cast the result back to char. Here's how you can do this:

    std::string input = "Hello, World!";
    std::string result;

    // Use std::transform to apply std::tolower to each character
    std::transform(input.begin(), input.end(), std::back_inserter(result), 
                   [](unsigned char c){ return std::tolower(c); });

    std::cout << "Original: " << input << std::endl;
    std::cout << "Lowercase: " << result << std::endl;
  • std::transform is used to apply the transformation (lowercasing in this case) to each character.
  • std::tolower is applied to each character of the string. It takes an unsigned char as input, so we cast each character to unsigned char to avoid undefined behavior with non-ASCII characters.
  • The result is accumulated in the result string using std::back_inserter.

This will output:

Original: Hello, World!
Lowercase: hello, world!


The function std::isalnum in C++ checks whether a given character is either an alphanumeric character, i.e., a letter (A-Z, a-z) or a digit (0-9).

  • digits (0123456789)
  • lowercase letters (abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz)

Return Value:

  • It returns a non-zero value (typically true) if the character is alphanumeric.
  • It returns 0 (typically false) if the character is not alphanumeric.
  char c = 'A';
  if (std::isalnum(c)) {
    std::cout << c << " is alphanumeric." << std::endl;
  } else {
    std::cout << c << " is not alphanumeric." << std::endl;

In this case, if c is 'A' (an alphanumeric character), std::isalnum(c) will return a non-zero value, and the output will be:

A is alphanumeric.

Find String Case Insensitive

auto it = std::search(
		sentence.begin(), sentence.end(),
		word.begin(), word.end(),
		[](char ch1, char ch2) { return std::toupper(ch1) == std::toupper(ch2); }
	return (it != sentence.end());

The small string optimization

Small size STL containers, would be set on stack instead of heap and after the size get bigger they would be allocated on heap, this is called The Small String Optimization. complete example here

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