Creates the KINCS geometry
The following packages are required to use run this code: airfoil_db, numpy, json, scipy, and shapely. The airfoil_db package can be found here.
The code can be run by importing the code and running the main function with a single input of the input formatted JSON file location.
The input file should have a tuple with the key "run". This tuple should have as indices string names. Each of these string names should reference a dictionary in the file. The following keys and corresponding types should be in that dictionary (For example, "run" : ["C18"] , with the following in the "C18" dictionary).
"airfoil dat file location" : string
The airfoil dat file to be used for the ARCS geometry. It must be in Selig format, with no text before the airfoil data.
"chord [in]" : float
The airfoil chord length in inches.
"num kinks" : integer
The number of kinks desired in the geometry. must be greater than or equal to 1.
"kinkiness forward and aft" : tuple
The percentage of the kink to be placed forward and aft of each connection point. For example: the tuple [0.5, 0.5] would result in a kink where half is before the connection, and half aft of the connection; the tuple [0.0, 1.0] would result in a kink where it is fully aft of the connection.
"first kink forward" : boolean
Whether the kink should curve toward the leading edge first.
"kink degree" : integer
The number of curves each kink should have. Should be greater than 1.
"kinks to remove" : tuple
The kinks to be removed for plotting / dxf output. Should be integer values between 1 and the number of kinks, inclusive.
"fillet kinks" : boolean
Whether to fillet the kink connections to the upper and lower surfaces of the airfoil. The structural strength is improved when this value is true.
"fillet kinks sharps" : boolean
Whether to fillet the sharp points on the kink curves. No significant difference is shown using this feature, and thus can be left as false.
"report hinge point" : boolean
Whether to print the hinge point to the screen. If true, reports the hinge point as """Hinge Point at (x/c,y/c) : ( xxxx , xxxx )""".
"num kink points" : integer
The number of points to create for each kink. Higher values are preferable for better resolution, 60 points works well.
"kink shift [x/c]" : float
The percent chord value to shift the kink aft. No significant improvement on compliance was noticed using this feater, and can thus be left as 0.0.
"kink thickness type" : string
Which type of kink thickness to create. The options and corresponding descriptions are:
Create all kinks with the same thickness. requires that "kink thickness [mm]" be a tuple with a single value (for example, [0.5]).
Create all kinks with thicknesses based on a linear gradient between two values. requires that "kink thickness [mm]" be a tuple with a two values (for example, [0.5,0.45], where a kink at the hinge point will have thickness 0.5 mm, and a kink at the TE wall will have thickness 0.45 mm).
Create all kinks with specific thicknesses. requires that "kink thickness [mm]" be a tuple with a value for each kink (for example, [0.5,0.45,0.35] for a KINCS mechanism with "num kinks" = 3).
"kink thickness [mm]" : tuple
The thickness for the kinks in millimeters as determined from the thickness type described above.
"section resolution" : integer
The section resolution of the airfoil. This value does not depend on the input airfoil file. A value above 200 is preferable.
"shell thickness [mm]" : float
The KINCS geometry skin thickness. A value of 0.8 mm works best for most morphing mechanism applications.
"flex start [x/c]" : float
The hinge point in percent chord.
"tongue start [in]" : float
The distance ahead of the hinge point where the tongue should begin, in inches. A value of 1 to 2 inches works best for most morphing mechanism applications with a 12 inch chord.
"mouth start [in]" : float
The distance ahead of the hinge point where the mouth should begin, in inches. A value of 2 to 3 inches works best for most morphing mechanism applications with a 12 inch chord. This value should always be greater than the "tongue start [in]" value.
"TE wall start [x/c]" : float
The wall location in percent chord. Past this location, the parabolic flap will have minimal effect on deflection. Thus, a value closer to 1 is preferable. A value of 0.95 works best for most morphing mechanism applications.
"mouth clearance [mm]" : float
The thickness between the tongue and the mouth surfaces. A value of 1.0 mm works best for most morphing mechanism applications with a skin thickness of 0.8 mm.
"fillet side length [mm]" : float
The filled side length to be used connecting the hinge point wall to the upper surface. A value of 1.0 mm works best for most morphing mechanism applications with a skin thickness of 0.8 mm.
"enthicken" : float
The thickness multiplier to modify the aspect of the airfoil. A value greater than 1 will result in a thicker airfoil, a value less than 1 will result in a thinner airfoil.
"skip wing box" : boolean
Whether to skip the wing box geometry during system generation.
"I beam" : dictionary
A dictionary of the values used to create the I beam structure. The keys of this dictionary are:
"thickness [mm]" : float
The thickness of the I beam in millimeters. A value of 2.4 works well with a chord of 12 inches.
"flange width [x/c]" : float
The width of the flanges in percent chord. A value of 0.05 works best for morphing mechanism applications.
"hollow [mm]" : float
The hollow thickness within the I beam. Depending on the I beam "thickness [mm]", a value of 0.8 works best for morphing mechanism applications.
"make hollow" : boolean
Whether to make the I beam hollow. Making the I beam hollow decreases the weight and customizes the infill of the I beam.
"leading edge thickness[mm]" : float
The KINCS geometry skin thickness at the leading edge in the wing box. A value of 0.8 mm works best for most morphing mechanism applications.
"show plot" : boolean
Whether to show a plot of the morphing airfoil.
"write dxf" : boolean
Whether to write the airfoil shape to a DXF file.
"shift to c/4" : boolean
Whether to shift the airfoil so the quarter chord is at the origin.
"split return" : boolean
Whether to split off the outer shape for use in generating the files used to model the Horizon aircraft.
"guide curve return" : boolean
Whether to split off geometric values concerning the guide curves for use in generating the files used to model the Horizon aircraft.
"actuation hole return" : boolean
Whether to split off geometric values concerning the actuation location for use in generating the files used to model the Horizon aircraft.
"show legend" : boolean
Whether to show the legend of the parts of the ARCS geometry when plotting.
"all black" : boolean
Whether to plot the geometry all in black.
"deflection angle [deg]" : float or list
Which deflection angles to examine on the plot. If float given, no deflection will be shown. If a list is given, all deflection values in the list will be plotted on the figure.
"deflection type" : string
Which type of deflection to create. The options and corresponding descriptions are:
Plots no deflection.
Plots articulated deflection(s) at the amount(s) specified.
Plots parabolic deflection(s) at the amount(s) specified.
"hinge at top" : boolean
Whether to locate the hinge point in the middle of the skin on the upper surface. If false, the y-value of the hinge point remains at 0.
"dxf file path" : string
The file path where to export the morphing airfoil DXF file (example : "/home/user/Desktop/").
"dxf file name" : string
The file name of the exported DXF file (example : "NACA_2412_KINCS").