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Add trajectory plotting code
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benkuhn committed Jun 17, 2017
1 parent 4bec8a5 commit bb3d6d3
Showing 1 changed file with 104 additions and 0 deletions.
104 changes: 104 additions & 0 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
import math

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import scipy
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.patches as mpatches
from matplotlib import gridspec, ticker
import seaborn

import options

params = dict(options.COMMON_PARAMS)
params['annual_timesteps'] = 36
model = options.FixedHorizonModel(**params)

## get the data
indices = [options.I(t, n_up)
for t in range(model.ts_horizon+1)
for n_up in range(t+1)]
df = pd.DataFrame(columns=['t', 'n_up', 'p', 'val', 'quit', 'p_quit_by_now'],
for n, i in enumerate(indices):
should_quit = (i.t > model.ts_vesting_interval
or model.get_payoff(i, i.t) >= model.get_payoff(i))
df.loc[n] = (i.t, i.n_up, model.get_p_n_up(i), model.get_valuation(i),
should_quit, model.p_quit_before_or_at(i))

# prob of quitting at timestep t
p_quit = pd.Series(index=range(model.ts_horizon+1))
for n in p_quit.index:
df_for_n = df[df.t == n]
p_quit[n] = (df_for_n.p * df_for_n.p_quit_by_now).sum()

# valuation above which you should stay at timestep t
stay_valuation = pd.Series(index=p_quit.index)
for t in range(model.ts_vesting_interval):
if model.get_payoff(options.I(t, 0), t) < model.get_payoff(options.I(t, 0)):
# should never quit at this timestep
for n_up in range(1, t+1):
i = options.I(t, n_up)
if model.get_payoff(i, t) < model.get_payoff(i):
stay_valuation[t] = model.get_valuation(i)

# Normalize the heatmap probabilities + remove valuations < $10 and > $100b
LOG_Y_MAX = 11
df_clean = df[(df.val > 10 ** LOG_Y_MIN) & (df.val < 10 ** LOG_Y_MAX)].copy()
for t in range(model.ts_horizon+1):
ps = df_clean.p[df_clean.t == t]
pmax = ps.max()
for i in ps.index:
df_clean.p[i] = ps[i] / pmax

# Construct the heatmap grid
GRID_NX = max(df.t)
grid = np.zeros([GRID_NX, GRID_NY])
log_y_points = np.linspace(1, 11, GRID_NY + 1)
log_y_midpoints = (log_y_points[1:] + log_y_points[:-1])/2
for t in range(1, GRID_NX + 1):
vals = df_clean[df_clean.t == t]
f = scipy.interpolate.interp1d(vals.val, vals.p, fill_value=0, bounds_error=False)
q = scipy.interpolate.interp1d(vals.val, vals.quit, fill_value=(0, 1),
bounds_error=False, kind='nearest')
for i, log_y in enumerate(log_y_midpoints):
y = math.pow(10, log_y)
quit = q(y)
sign = -1 if quit else 1
grid[GRID_NY-i-1, t-1] = sign * f(y)

# Plot the figure
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8, 6))
gs = gridspec.GridSpec(2, 1, height_ratios=[3, 1])

ax1 = plt.subplot(gs[0])
ax1.set_ylim(0, GRID_NY)
ticks_per_increment = GRID_NY // (LOG_Y_MAX - LOG_Y_MIN)
ylabels = list(reversed(['1e' + str(x//ticks_per_increment + 1)
if x % ticks_per_increment == 0 else ''
for x in range(GRID_NY)]))
seaborn.heatmap(grid, yticklabels=ylabels, xticklabels=False, cbar=False, square=True)
plt.ylabel('valuation ($)')
plt.title('Valuation and employment trajectory')
pal = seaborn.color_palette("RdBu_r", 10)
stay = mpatches.Patch(color=pal[-1], label='should stay')
leave = mpatches.Patch(color=pal[0], label='should leave')
plt.legend(handles=[stay, leave])

ax = plt.subplot(gs[1], sharex=ax1)
ax.set_xlim(0, GRID_NX)
ax.set_xticklabels(range(-1, 8))
plt.xlabel('time (years)')
plt.ylabel('probability of staying')
ax.set_ylim(-0.01, 1.01)
plt.plot(p_quit.index, 1 - p_quit)

plt.savefig('trajectory_2x', dpi=160)
plt.savefig('trajectory', dpi=80)

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