This is a super-light jQuery plugin that combines internal page search functionality with the Isotope plugin
Load up the isotope plugin, then chain on isotopeSearchFilter().
If your sorting containers use images, I recommend David DeSandro's imagesloaded.
var $container = $('.item-container')
itemSelector: '.item',
layoutMode: 'fitRows'
// With imagesLoaded:
var $container = $('.item-container')
imagesLoaded( '.item-container', function() {
itemSelector: '.item',
layoutMode: 'fitRows'
Available Options:
itemsContainer: ".item-container",
itemSelector: ".item",
filtersSelector: ".filters",
searchResultsClassSelector: ".active",
inputSearch: '#search-term'
- jQuery
- Metafizzy Isotope
- If your content contains images use: imagesloaded.
This is a jQuery plugin that makes it easy to incorporate dropdowns and multi-select filtering using the Isotope plugin.
PRs and feature requests are welcomed. If you wish to contribute please make updates in the coffee file.