How to take iamNitin16/Learning_git repo into your repository YOUR-USERNAME/Learning_git:-
- Search for iamNitin16/Learning_git repository in serch bar on github.
- open iamNitin16/Learning_git repository.
- Fork into repo into your account.(Fork simply means copying main repository into your local repository)
- copy link and clone repository(i.e. Download in your Laptop) using command "git clone".
- Make your Changes to your local repo.
- push it to your remote(i.e. to the repository in your account) using command "git push YOUR-REMOTE-NAME(most probably origin) YOUR-BRANCH-NAME(most probably "master" if you had not created any branch)"
- Now all changes you have made will appear in your github repo.
- make a pull request to iamNitin16/Learning_git(or two more collabaraters Aditya and Arpit(Aurio)) to add your changes to main repo.
- If your pull request is merge than your changes will appear in main repo.
- And That's it...........You are done..........Congo............
Adding your Articles and other Stuff :
- Create a folder with your name in the root directory. (If it is already there then skip this step.)
- Create a seperate file every time you want to add a new article.
- Make your articles redable by using some indentations and line breaks.
- Follow the above steps to push your articles.