released this
24 Feb 00:28
Show 'Write a Review' link for mobile #922
Update text input for product review comment to be multiline so it's not too small to be usable #921
Add a larger view of a swatch image when option is hovered over on the product page #923
Fixes an issue with file upload button not properly displaying in IE #925
Make sure product review email links automatically pop the review form #928
Fixes an issue where search results would incorrectly state there were no results when there were results visible #934
Update BC logo sprite to use current BC logo #931
Fix z-index for product sale badges so they aren't above the menu #926
Auto-expand product videos on the product page if the product has at least one video #935
Fix an issue with special characters in search results for content pages #933
Fix an issue with special characters in carousel text #932
Remove an unnecessary and confusing option in theme editor #927
Fix an issue where required product list options would display an invalid "none" choice #929
Remove unused variable causing js error with search in the nav #938
Add settings to theme editor schema to customize Optimized Checkout discount banners #924
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