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Keith Peters edited this page Aug 19, 2016 · 2 revisions

Welcome to the QuickSettings wiki!

Most of the general info on how to use QuickSettings is in the main file. But I'll add some other tricks and tips here.

Known issues:

Safari: Tabbing and focus is messed up for a few element types. Namely the range, button and checkbox. Tabbing through a panel will skip these elements and clicking on them will not focus them. This is by Apple's design. You can enable tabbing through ALL elements by going to Preferences/Advanced and checking "Press Tab to highlight each item on a webpage." You can also use Option-Tab to tab through all controls. But as far as I know, there's nothing I can do in code to force this to work on Safari. Possibly intercepting key presses and making my own focus manager, but... nope.

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