It's real simple, and it runs JSHint on your *.js files.
- jshint:lint -> runs jshint on your files (per your configuration settings)
Example of configFile
contents, equivalent to the XML configuration above:
// Options
"maxparams": 3,
"indent": true,
"camelcase": true,
"eqeqeq": true,
"forin": true,
"immed": true,
"latedef": true,
"noarg": true,
"noempty": true,
"nonew": true,
* Globals
"globals": {
"require": false,
"$": false,
"yourFunkyJavascriptModule": false
Option | Default value | Explanation |
version | 2.4.1 | Selects which embedded version of jshint will be used |
options | List of comma-separated JSHint options | |
globals | List of comma-separated JSHint globals | |
configFile | Path to a JSHint JSON config file. Its contents will override values set in options and globals , if present. Please note that block and line comments will be stripped prior to processing so it's OK to include them. |
directories | <directory>src</directory> |
Locations in which the plugin will search for *.js files |
excludes | Excludes are resolved relative to the basedir of the module | |
reporter | If present, JSHint will generate a reporting file which can be used for some CI tools. Currently, only jslint and checkstyle format are supported. |
reportFile | target/jshint.xml | Path to an output reporting file |
failOnError | true | Controls whether the plugin fails the build when JSHint is unhappy. Setting this to false is discouraged, as it removes most of the benefit of using this plugin. Instead, if you have problem files that you can't fix disable/override JSHint on a per-file basis, or tell the plugin to specifically exclude them in the excludes section |