Android Bluetooth client for the Mini60 antenna analyzer
A few eeeks ago I received a Bluetooth-equipped Mini60 Antenna Analyzer from a Chinese eBay seller. It is an assembled version of the SARK100 antenna analyzer. It seems to be made well and robust. It did not come with software, but searching revealed Bluetooth clients for Windows and Android. The Android client can be downloaded from several places, yet I cannot find an "official" site for it, nor can I find any documentation. The Mini60.apk that I found on several different sites crashed on every attempt to connect.
I thought "how hard can it be?" and downloaded the SARK100 manual from here: Page 77 lists the PC commands and the results. It seems quite straightforward and simple. And it is!
It has only been a few days but I already have my own Android client working, based on Apache Cordova. It's a trivial little app, but it does everything I need. Maybe it can be useful for you, too. I have seen a lot of postings by people frustrated with their Bluetooth connection not working. Maybe this can help!.
I will periodically upload a build here: .
The USB port will provide enough power for the CPU, but seems not be be sufficient for the Bluetooth adapter. You will either need the 12v charger, or let the batteries charge up overnight.
The 12v power socket is 1.2mm . I could not find this documented anywhere, but that's what it is.
The USB socket is for a "mini b" connector, not the much more common "micro".