This rocket will connect a Booster Application to a self anaged Kafka cluster.
Disclaimer: This rocket is only available for the AWS provider.
To configure a Booster application you have to provide the following parameters:
Booster.configure('production', (config: BoosterConfig): void => {
config.appName = 'kafka-bank-integration'
config.provider = Provider([
packageName: '@boostercloud/rocket-kakfa-connector-aws-infrastructure',
parameters: {
consumerConfig: [
topicName: 'account-created',
mappingOptions: [
entityTypeName: 'Account',
eventTypeName: 'AccountCreated',
topicEntityId: 'accountId',
fields: {
accountId: 'id',
clientId: 'customerId',
balance: 'currentBalance',
... More events produced inside that topic
topicName: 'customer-created',
producerConfig: [
topicName: 'account-withdrawn',
eventTypeName: 'AccountWithdrawn',
fields: {
id: 'accountId',
qty: 'accountQty',
bootstrapServers: [
secretArn: '<secretArn>',