This service aims to provide easy access to user and organizations structures and authentication mechanism using Json Web tokens.
This project uses the following stack : Mongo, Express, VueJS, NodeJS. The primary language used is javascript with the ES7 syntax. You should use linters and beautifiers compliants with the ES7 syntax in your editor.
Install dependencies and run bundler:
npm install
npm run build
Run the services dependencies:
docker-compose up -d
Run the 2 development servers with these commands et separate shells:
npm run dev-server
npm run dev-client
When both servers are ready, go to http://localhost:5689.
The application applies the material design recommendations and uses vue and vuetify
Documentation is maintained in ./doc as a small separate nuxt project. Its content is built and pushed on gitlab-pages by the Travis build.
The pages are also linked to the main nuxt project, so that any Simple Directory instance embeds its full documentation.
Run the documentation development server:
npm run doc
Then open http://localhost:3000/simple-directory/