A Postgres extension to tier data to external storage
The features, functionality, and behavior of pg_tier
are subject to change without notice. Updates and revisions may be released periodically as we work towards a stable version.
may contain bugs, errors or other concurrency releated issues. It's not advised to use in production use-cases. We encourage you to test your use cases in the non-production environment. If you encounter any bugs, errors, or other issues, please report them.
Your reports will help us improve the extension for the final release.
By proceeding with installation and use, you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and agree to the terms of this disclaimer.
In today's data-driven landscape, managing vast amounts of information efficiently is paramount. Data has a lifecycle, right from the creation to deletion it goes through many stages e.g. when data is new it has high accessibility therefore it will be cached in-memory, we can consider this as hot data stage. Once the data gets older it will move to cold data stage then to archival stage or purge stage. Data access pattern, cost and resource constraints are some major factors that govern lifecyle of data.
This extension provides strategic solution to manage data that has lower access frequency, lower performance requirement and lower storage cost. It aligns with the concept of data lifecycle management, ensuring that data is stored cost-effectively while remaining accessible when needed.
Start the container
docker run -d -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=postgres -p 5432:5432 --name pg-tier quay.io/tembo/tier-pg:latest
Then connect with psql
psql postgres://postgres:postgres@localhost:5432/postgres
select tier.set_tier_credentials('my-storage-bucket','AWS_ACCESS_KEY', 'AWS_SECRET_KEY','AWS_REGION');
create table people (
name text not null,
age numeric not null
insert into people values ('Alice', 34), ('Bob', 45), ('Charlie', 56);
Initializes remote storage (S3) for the table.
select tier.create_tier_table('people');
Moves the local table into remote storage (S3).
select tier.execute_tiering('people');
select * from people;
name | age
Alice | 34
Bob | 45
Charlie | 56
postgres=# \d people
Foreign table "public.people"
Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | FDW options
name | text | | not null | | (key 'true')
age | numeric | | not null | | (key 'true')
Server: pg_tier_s3_srv
FDW options: (dirname 's3://my-storage-bucket/public_people/')
postgres=# explain analyze select * from people;
Foreign Scan on people (cost=0.00..0.09 rows=9 width=64) (actual time=126.438..126.444 rows=9 loops=1)
Reader: Single File
Row groups: 1
Planning Time: 440.560 ms
Execution Time: 172.527 ms
(5 rows)