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PyQtGraph release 0.9.9
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campagnola committed Dec 24, 2014
2 parents 5309483 + 930c3a1 commit 8f63877
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Showing 300 changed files with 15,507 additions and 8,567 deletions.
5 changes: 5 additions & 0 deletions .gitignore
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2,3 +2,8 @@ __pycache__
230 changes: 230 additions & 0 deletions .travis.yml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,230 @@
language: python

# Credit: Original .travis.yml lifted from VisPy

# Here we use anaconda for 2.6 and 3.3, since it provides the simplest
# interface for running different versions of Python. We could also use
# it for 2.7, but the Ubuntu system has installable 2.7 Qt4-GL, which
# allows for more complete testing.
email: false

system_site_packages: true

# Enable python 2 and python 3 builds
# Note that the 2.6 build doesn't get flake8, and runs old versions of
# Pyglet and GLFW to make sure we deal with those correctly
#- PYTHON=2.6 QT=pyqt TEST=standard
- PYTHON=2.7 QT=pyqt TEST=extra
- PYTHON=2.7 QT=pyside TEST=standard
- PYTHON=3.2 QT=pyqt TEST=standard
- PYTHON=3.2 QT=pyside TEST=standard
#- PYTHON=3.2 QT=pyqt5 TEST=standard

- TRAVIS_DIR=`pwd`
- travis_retry sudo apt-get update;
# - if [ "${PYTHON}" != "2.7" ]; then
# wget -O &&
# chmod +x &&
# ./ -b &&
# export PATH=/home/$USER/anaconda/bin:$PATH &&
# conda update --yes conda &&
# travis_retry sudo apt-get -qq -y install libgl1-mesa-dri;
# fi;
- if [ "${TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST}" != "false" ]; then

# to aid in debugging

# Dependencies
- if [ "${PYTHON}" == "2.7" ]; then
travis_retry sudo apt-get -qq -y install python-numpy &&
export PIP=pip &&
sudo ${PIP} install pytest &&
sudo ${PIP} install flake8 &&
export PYTEST=py.test;
travis_retry sudo apt-get -qq -y install python3-numpy &&
curl | sudo python3 &&
curl | sudo python3 &&
export PIP=pip3.2 &&
sudo ${PIP} install pytest &&
sudo ${PIP} install flake8 &&
export PYTEST=py.test-3.2;

# Qt
- if [ "${PYTHON}" == "2.7" ]; then
if [ ${QT} == 'pyqt' ]; then
travis_retry sudo apt-get -qq -y install python-qt4 python-qt4-gl;
travis_retry sudo apt-get -qq -y install python-pyside.qtcore python-pyside.qtgui python-pyside.qtsvg python-pyside.qtopengl;
elif [ "${PYTHON}" == "3.2" ]; then
if [ ${QT} == 'pyqt' ]; then
travis_retry sudo apt-get -qq -y install python3-pyqt4;
elif [ ${QT} == 'pyside' ]; then
travis_retry sudo apt-get -qq -y install python3-pyside;
${PIP} search PyQt5;
${PIP} install PyQt5;
cat /home/travis/.pip/pip.log;
conda create -n testenv --yes --quiet pip python=$PYTHON &&
source activate testenv &&
if [ ${QT} == 'pyqt' ]; then
conda install --yes --quiet pyside;
conda install --yes --quiet pyside;

# Install PyOpenGL
- if [ "${PYTHON}" == "2.7" ]; then
echo "Using OpenGL stable version (apt)";
travis_retry sudo apt-get -qq -y install python-opengl;
echo "Using OpenGL stable version (pip)";
${PIP} install -q PyOpenGL;
cat /home/travis/.pip/pip.log;

# Debugging helpers
- uname -a
- cat /etc/issue
- if [ "${PYTHON}" == "2.7" ]; then
python --version;
python3 --version;
- apt-cache search python3-pyqt
- apt-cache search python3-pyside
- apt-cache search pytest
- apt-cache search python pip
- apt-cache search python qt5

# We need to create a (fake) display on Travis, let's use a funny resolution
- export DISPLAY=:99.0
- /sbin/start-stop-daemon --start --quiet --pidfile /tmp/ --make-pidfile --background --exec /usr/bin/Xvfb -- :99 -screen 0 1400x900x24 -ac +extension GLX +render

# Make sure everyone uses the correct python
- mkdir ~/bin && ln -s `which python${PYTHON}` ~/bin/python
- export PATH=/home/travis/bin:$PATH
- which python
- python --version
# Help color output from each test
- RESET='\033[0m';
start_test() {
echo -e "${BLUE}======== Starting $1 ========${RESET}";
check_output() {
if [ $ret == 0 ]; then
echo -e "${GREEN}>>>>>> $1 passed <<<<<<${RESET}";
echo -e "${RED}>>>>>> $1 FAILED <<<<<<${RESET}";
return $ret;

- if [ "${TEST}" == "extra" ]; then
start_test "repo size check";
mkdir ~/repo-clone && cd ~/repo-clone &&
git init && git remote add -t ${TRAVIS_BRANCH} origin git://${TRAVIS_REPO_SLUG}.git &&
git fetch origin ${GIT_TARGET_EXTRA} &&
git checkout -qf FETCH_HEAD &&
git tag travis-merge-target &&
git gc --aggressive &&
TARGET_SIZE=`du -s . | sed -e "s/\t.*//"` &&
git pull origin ${GIT_SOURCE_EXTRA} &&
git gc --aggressive &&
MERGE_SIZE=`du -s . | sed -e "s/\t.*//"` &&
if [ "${MERGE_SIZE}" != "${TARGET_SIZE}" ]; then
SIZE_DIFF=`expr \( ${MERGE_SIZE} - ${TARGET_SIZE} \)`;



# Run unit tests
- start_test "unit tests";
PYTHONPATH=. ${PYTEST} pyqtgraph/;
check_output "unit tests";

# check line endings
- if [ "${TEST}" == "extra" ]; then
start_test "line ending check";
! find ./ -name "*.py" | xargs file | grep CRLF &&
! find ./ -name "*.rst" | xargs file | grep CRLF;
check_output "line ending check";

# Check repo size does not expand too much
- if [ "${TEST}" == "extra" ]; then
start_test "repo size check";
echo -e "Estimated content size difference = ${SIZE_DIFF} kB" &&
test ${SIZE_DIFF} -lt 100;
check_output "repo size check";

# Check for style issues
- if [ "${TEST}" == "extra" ]; then
start_test "style check";
cd ~/repo-clone &&
git reset -q travis-merge-target &&
python style &&
check_output "style check";


# Check install works
- start_test "install test";
sudo python${PYTHON} --quiet install;
check_output "install test";

# Check double-install fails
# Note the bash -c is because travis strips off the ! otherwise.
- start_test "double install test";
bash -c "! sudo python${PYTHON} --quiet install";
check_output "double install test";

# Check we can import pg
- start_test "import test";
echo "import sys; print(sys.path)" | python &&
cd /; echo "import pyqtgraph.examples" | python;
check_output "import test";

102 changes: 102 additions & 0 deletions CHANGELOG
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,3 +1,105 @@

API / behavior changes:
- Dynamic import system abandoned; pg now uses static imports throughout.
- Flowcharts and exporters have new pluggin systems
- Version strings:
- in git repo now contains latest release version string
(previously, only packaged releases had version strings).
- installing from git checkout that does not correspond to a release
commit will result in a more descriptive version string.
- Speed improvements in functions.makeARGB
- ImageItem is faster by avoiding makeQImage(transpose=True)
- ComboBox will raise error when adding multiple items of the same name
- ArrowItem.setStyle now updates style options rather than replacing them
- Renamed GraphicsView signals to avoid collision with ViewBox signals that
are wrapped in PlotWidget: sigRangeChanged => sigDeviceRangeChanged and
sigTransformChanged => sigDeviceTransformChanged.
- GLViewWidget.itemsAt() now measures y from top of widget to match mouse
event position.
- Made setPen() methods consistent throughout the package
- Fix in GLScatterPlotItem requires that points will appear slightly more opaque
(so you may need to adjust to lower alpha to achieve the same results)

New Features:
- Added ViewBox.setLimits() method
- Adde ImageItem downsampling
- New HDF5 example for working with very large datasets
- Removed all dependency on scipy
- Added Qt.loadUiType function for PySide
- Simplified Profilers; can be activated with environmental variables
- Added Dock.raiseDock() method
- ComboBox updates:
- Essentially a graphical interface to dict; all items have text and value
- Assigns previously-selected text after list is cleared and repopulated
- Get, set current value
- Flowchart updates
- Added Flowchart.sigChartChanged
- Custom nodes may now be registered in sub-menu trees
- ImageItem.getHistogram is more clever about constructing histograms
- Added FillBetweenItem.setCurves()
- MultiPlotWidget now has setMinimumPlotHeight method and displays scroll bar
when plots do not fit inside the widget.
- Added BarGraphItem.shape() to allow better mouse interaction
- Added MeshData.cylinder
- Added ViewBox.setBackgroundColor() and GLViewWidget.setBackgroundColor()
- Utilities / debugging tools
- Mutex used for tracing deadlocks
- Color output on terminal
- Multiprocess debugging colors messages by process
- Stdout filter that colors text by thread
- PeriodicTrace used to report deadlocks
- Added AxisItem.setStyle()
- Added configurable formatting for TableWidget
- Added 'stepMode' argument to PlotDataItem()
- Added ViewBox.invertX()
- Docks now have optional close button
- Added InfiniteLine.setHoverPen
- Added GLVolumeItem.setData
- Added PolyLineROI.setPoints, clearPoints, saveState, setState
- Added ErrorBarItem.setData

- PlotCurveItem now has correct clicking behavior--clicks within a few px
of the line will trigger a signal.
- Fixes related to CSV exporter:
- CSV headers include data names, if available
- Exporter correctly handles items with no data
- pg.plot() avoids creating empty data item
- removed call to reduce() from exporter; not available in python 3
- Gave .name() methods to PlotDataItem, PlotCurveItem, and ScatterPlotItem
- fixed ImageItem handling of rgb images
- fixed makeARGB re-ordering of color channels
- fixed unicode usage in AxisItem tick strings
- fixed PlotCurveItem generating exceptions when data has length=0
- fixed ImageView.setImage only working once
- PolyLineROI.setPen() now changes the pen of its segments as well
- Prevent divide-by-zero in AxisItem
- Major speedup when using ScatterPlotItem in pxMode
- PlotCurveItem ignores clip-to-view when auto range is enabled
- FillBetweenItem now forces PlotCurveItem to generate path
- Fixed import errors and py3 issues in MultiPlotWidget
- Isosurface works for arrays with shapes > 255
- Fixed ImageItem exception building histogram when image has only one value
- Fixed MeshData exception caused when vertexes have no matching faces
- Fixed GLViewWidget exception handler
- Fixed unicode support in Dock
- Fixed PySide crash caused by emitting signal from GraphicsObject.itemChange
- Fixed possible infinite loop from FiniteCache
- Allow images with NaN in ImageView
- MeshData can generate edges from face-indexed vertexes
- Fixed multiprocess deadlocks on windows
- Fixed GLGridItem.setSize
- Fixed parametertree.Parameter.sigValueChanging
- Fixed AxisItem.__init__(showValues=False)
- Fixed TableWidget append / sort issues
- Fixed AxisItem not resizing text area when setTicks() is used
- Removed a few cyclic references
- Fixed Parameter 'readonly' option for bool, color, and text parameter types
- Fixed alpha on GLScatterPlotItem spots (formerly maxed out at alpha=200)
- Fixed a few bugs causing exit crashes

pyqtgraph-0.9.8 2013-11-24

API / behavior changes:
Expand Down
51 changes: 51 additions & 0 deletions CONTRIBUTING.txt
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
Contributions to pyqtgraph are welcome!

Please use the following guidelines when preparing changes:

* The preferred method for submitting changes is by github pull request
against the "develop" branch. If this is inconvenient, don't hesitate to
submit by other means.

* Pull requests should include only a focused and related set of changes.
Mixed features and unrelated changes (such as .gitignore) will usually be

* For major changes, it is recommended to discuss your plans on the mailing
list or in a github issue before putting in too much effort.

* Along these lines, please note that pyqtgraph.opengl will be deprecated
soon and replaced with VisPy.

* Writing proper documentation and unit tests is highly encouraged. PyQtGraph
uses nose / py.test style testing, so tests should usually be included in a
tests/ directory adjacent to the relevant code.

* Documentation is generated with sphinx; please check that docstring changes
compile correctly.

* Style guidelines:

* PyQtGraph prefers PEP8 for most style issues, but this is not enforced
rigorously as long as the code is clean and readable.

* Use `python style` to see whether your code follows
the mandatory style guidelines checked by flake8.

* Exception 1: All variable names should use camelCase rather than
underscore_separation. This is done for consistency with Qt

* Exception 2: Function docstrings use ReStructuredText tables for
describing arguments:

============== ========================================================
argName1 (type) Description of argument
argName2 (type) Description of argument. Longer descriptions must
be wrapped within the column guidelines defined by the
"====" header and footer.
============== ========================================================

QObject subclasses that implement new signals should also describe
these in a similar table.

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