EF Core-like queries using Drizzle ORM
npm install eftify-drizzle-pg
Small library attempting to bring other relational syntax to Drizzle ORM. Might help anyone transitioning from EF Core who does not like the drizzle query API. As for now supports only Postgres database with limited functionality available. No guarantee given whatsover, use at your own risk.
Library can run alongside standard drizzle. All it does is create new "eftify" property on the root drizzle object with new API available.
Mainly developed for our team's needs. There is no plan to develop further than the scope of our needs, in case you're missing a feature, feel free to create a PR.
import { drizzleEftify } from 'eftify-drizzle-pg';
import { and, lt, ne } from 'drizzle-orm';
import * as schema from '../schema/schema';
const queryConnection = postgres(getDbUrl());
const drizzleEftified = drizzleEftify.create(queryConnection, {
logger: appConfig.database.logQuery,
schema: schema
(async () => {
const dbContext = drizzleEftified.eftify;
//Queries list
const result = await dbContext.users.where(p => lt(p.id, 3)).select(p => ({
id: p.id,
street: p.userAddress.address, //Navigation properties in similar manner like in EF
posts: p.posts.select(p => ({ //Basic One-to-many collection support
id: p.id,
text: p.content
})).toList('posts') //Due to limitations requires name specification
//Obtaining author name from post (possibly fixed in 0.0.5)
const otherWay = dbContext.posts.where(p => eq(p.authorId, 3)).select(p => ({
id: p.id,
authorId: p.author.name
//Single result
const singleResult = await dbContext.users.where(p => lt(p.id, 3)).select(p => ({
id: p.id,
street: p.userAddress.address, //Navigation properties in similar manner like in EF
posts: p.posts.select(p => ({ //Basic One-to-many collection support
id: p.id,
text: p.content
})).toList('posty') //Due to limitations requires name specification
//Simple sum
const summary = await dbContext.users.where(p => and(
lt(p.id, 2),
ne(p.id, 0)
)).sum(p => p.id);
//Count query
const userCount = await dbContext.users.where(p => and(
lt(p.id, 2),
ne(p.id, 0)
//Grouping example
const groupedResult = await dbContext.users.select(p => ({
id: p.id,
street: p.userAddress.address,
name: p.name
})).groupBy(p => ({
street: p.street
})).select(p => ({
idCount: p.count(),
idSum: p.sum(p => p.id),
street: p.key.street //Key property holds the grouping key similar to EF Core
//Insert example + transaction
const userRow = await dbContext.transaction(async trx => {
try {
const userRow = await trx.users.insert({
name: 'new user'
id: trx.users.getUnderlyingEntity().id
const userAddressRow = await trx.userAddress.insert({
userId: userRow[0].id,
address: 'some address'
return { id: userRow[0].id };
} catch (error) {
await trx.rollback();
return null;
//Update example
const affectedCount = await dbContext.users.where(p => eq(p.id, 1)).update({
name: 'changed name'
import { relations } from 'drizzle-orm';
import { integer, pgTable, text } from 'drizzle-orm/pg-core';
// ==================== USERS ====================
export const users = pgTable('users', {
id: integer('id').primaryKey().generatedAlwaysAsIdentity({name: 'users_id_seq'}),
name: text('name'),
export const usersRelations = relations(users, ({ one, many }) => ({
userAddress: one(userAddress, {
fields: [users.id],
references: [userAddress.userId],
posts: many(posts),
// ==================== USER ADDRESS ====================
export const userAddress = pgTable('user_address', {
id: integer('id').primaryKey().generatedAlwaysAsIdentity({name: 'user_address_id_seq'}),
userId: integer('sender_user_id').references(() => users.id),
address: text('address'),
export const userAddressRelations = relations(userAddress, ({ one }) => ({
user: one(users),
// ==================== POST ====================
export const posts = pgTable('posts', {
id: integer('id').primaryKey().generatedAlwaysAsIdentity({name: 'posts_id_seq'}),
content: text('content'),
authorId: integer('author_id'),
export const postsRelations = relations(posts, ({ one }) => ({
author: one(users, {
fields: [posts.authorId],
references: [users.id],
// ============ UNRELATED TABLE =================
export const unrelatedTable = pgTable('unrelated_table', {
id: integer('id').primaryKey().generatedAlwaysAsIdentity({name: 'unrelated_table_id_seq'}),
sometext: text('sometext'),