Jeremy Davis Project 0
[Remaining code to be implemented: 4/9 of first half of prerequisites, a tutorial for building CRUD REST APIs using spring boot and PostgreSQL database (,
and the steps detailed at
Meeting videos showing use of tools for this project will be reviewed further and assignment completed.]
-- Offical Product Backlog --
The Revature Bank (Front end: Angular 12/13; Back End: Spring Boot DB, Postgres (Local installation))
The Revature Bank Customer (id/name/email/dob/mobile/address/password) Account (Saving/Current/Deposit/LoanAccount) Customer_accounts (id(pk),cust_id, acc_id, account_number, balance,dateOfOpening,status) Transaction (deposit/withdraw/fundtransfer) id(pk), datetime, amount, status, toAccount, custId (fk), accId (fk) Front end – Angular 12/13 Back End – Spring Boot DB – Postgres (Local installation)
Login Component / Registration Component /Logout All Account details of that particular customer (CRU Transaction (Create/Read/Update) Submission date : 18-Jan-2022 Project submission : individual submission Create a private github repo, post all your front_end & back end code in github. Github id : syskantechnosoft.