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Releases: cadon/ARKStatsExtractor

new Creatures of v254, fixes, tweaks

31 Jan 21:27
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  • data for new species of v254 (Baryonyx, Basilosaurus, Ovis, Purlovia)
  • made sum-display in extractor clearer.
  • added edit-more-button in library-edit for full edit-options.
  • changed values-file-format a bit (that means from now on the values-files will only work with versions at least 0.20.11).
  • additional species-values can now be loaded for mods that change some base-values (does not work if the mod changes the overall way the stats are calculated). More infos how that works later.
  • crash-fix related to null-pointer in overlay.
  • fix for out-of-index-error on 1680 ocr.

  • fix for edit-more-button
  • updated update-notices

Note: The image-files have to be downloaded separately: Creature-Images. Extract the folder "img" in the tool's folder to get better visuals of the creature's colors. Currently 7 creatures are included. You don't need to redownload this file if you already have the creature-images.

Give Feedback on reddit, directly here in the issues-section or on the official ARK-forums.

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Baby-Weight, Mutation-Counter, Fixes

27 Jan 22:26
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  • added support for baby-weight input (will be used to determine growth and time until maturation, is also read by OCR).
  • input for cooldown and growth changed to the format d:h:m
  • added support for mutation-counter.
  • easier adding of a timer that ends in a specific amount of time (also d:h:m).
  • fix: timers are now autosaved if autosave is enabled
  • fix: switched spay/neuter so it's correct (thanks for the notes about that :)

Note: The image-files have to be downloaded separately: Creature-Images. Extract the folder "img" in the tool's folder to get better visuals of the creature's colors. Currently 7 creatures are included. You don't need to redownload this file if you already have the creature-images.

Give Feedback on reddit, directly here in the issues-section or on the official ARK-forums.

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19 Jan 19:57
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  • fix for crash in BreedingPlanner

  • ShowBestBreedingPartners works now for all creatures, regardless if they're available, not available, dead or neutered
  • fix for export to clipboard on systems that use a comma as decimal-separator
  • changed default size of form (so save-button is shown if started the first time)
  • fix(?) for ping-pong syncing

  • fix for the calculation with high server-multipliers for maturation that prevented a succesfull extraction of imprinted creatures
  • added counter for number of cuddles in Tester and Extractor

  • fixes from @aaron-williamson, regarding the merging of libraries without creating duplicats and a fix to not lose unsaved creatures with the file-sync-option. Thanks for that!
  • link-fixes in the tool.

  • added detailed probability chart for possible offspring levels in the breeding-planner
  • added creaturelist in pedigreeView
  • added missing creature-colors
  • if there's a new values.json-version, you can click on No, to not update it. This is recommened for people playing on consoles (Xbox or PS4), as the changes usually take up to some days to weeks until they hit the consoles. It's recommened to backup the old values.json file first, so you can switch back easily, if the new values don't work yet.
  • fixes:
    • fix for not using the ImprintingBonus if a creature is not bred (thanks to @noheals for reporting that!)
    • fix for bar-length in library-edit
    • fix for domesticatedAt-value for virtual creatures (now by default current date)
    • disabled contextmenu on pedigreeCreature-objects if there's no creature (e.g. headers in the breeding-plan)

Note: The image-files have to be downloaded separately: Creature-Images. Extract the folder "img" in the tool's folder to get better visuals of the creature's colors. Currently 7 creatures are included. You don't need to redownload this file if you already have the creature-images.

Give Feedback on reddit or the official ARK-forums.

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Fixes for high multipliers, cuddle-counter

15 Jan 21:24
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  • fix for the calculation with high server-multipliers for maturation that prevented a succesfull extraction of imprinted creatures
  • added counter for number of cuddles in Tester and Extractor

  • fixes from @aaron-williamson, regarding the merging of libraries without creating duplicats and a fix to not lose unsaved creatures with the file-sync-option. Thanks for that!
  • link-fixes in the tool.

  • added detailed probability chart for possible offspring levels in the breeding-planner
  • added creaturelist in pedigreeView
  • added missing creature-colors
  • if there's a new values.json-version, you can click on No, to not update it. This is recommened for people playing on consoles (Xbox or PS4), as the changes usually take up to some days to weeks until they hit the consoles. It's recommened to backup the old values.json file first, so you can switch back easily, if the new values don't work yet.
  • fixes:
    • fix for not using the ImprintingBonus if a creature is not bred (thanks to @noheals for reporting that!)
    • fix for bar-length in library-edit
    • fix for domesticatedAt-value for virtual creatures (now by default current date)
    • disabled contextmenu on pedigreeCreature-objects if there's no creature (e.g. headers in the breeding-plan)

Note: The image-files have to be downloaded separately: Creature-Images. Extract the folder "img" in the tool's folder to get better visuals of the creature's colors. Currently 7 creatures are included. You don't need to redownload this file if you already have the creature-images.

Give Feedback on reddit or the official ARK-forums.

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Offspring-Level probabilities, bugfixes

14 Jan 18:57
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  • added detailed probability chart for possible offspring levels in the breeding-planner
  • added creaturelist in pedigreeView
  • added missing creature-colors
  • if there's a new values.json-version, you can click on No, to not update it. This is recommened for people playing on consoles (Xbox or PS4), as the changes usually take up to some days to weeks until they hit the consoles. It's recommened to backup the old values.json file first, so you can switch back easily, if the new values don't work yet.
  • fixes:
    • fix for not using the ImprintingBonus if a creature is not bred (thanks to @noheals for reporting that!)
    • fix for bar-length in library-edit
    • fix for domesticatedAt-value for virtual creatures (now by default current date)
    • disabled contextmenu on pedigreeCreature-objects if there's no creature (e.g. headers in the breeding-plan)

  • fixes from @aaron-williamson, regarding the merging of libraries without creating duplicats and a fix to not lose unsaved creatures with the file-sync-option. Thanks for that!
  • link-fixes in the tool.

Note: The image-files have to be downloaded separately: Creature-Images. Extract the folder "img" in the tool's folder to get better visuals of the creature's colors. Currently 7 creatures are included. You don't need to redownload this file if you already have the creature-images.

Give Feedback on reddit or the official ARK-forums.

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Offspring-Level probabilities, bugfixes

14 Jan 18:25
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  • added detailed probability chart for possible offspring levels in the breeding-planner
  • added creaturelist in pedigreeView
  • added missing creature-colors
  • if there's a new values.json-version, you can click on No, to not update it. This is recommened for people playing on consoles (Xbox or PS4), as the changes usually take up to some days to weeks until they hit the consoles. It's recommened to backup the old values.json file first, so you can switch back easily, if the new values don't work yet.
  • fixes:
    • fix for not using the ImprintingBonus if a creature is not bred (thanks to @noheals for reporting that!)
    • fix for bar-length in library-edit
    • fix for domesticatedAt-value for virtual creatures (now by default current date)
    • disabled contextmenu on pedigreeCreature-objects if there's no creature (e.g. headers in the breeding-plan)

Note: The image-files have to be downloaded separately: Creature-Images. Extract the folder "img" in the tool's folder to get better visuals of the creature's colors. Currently 7 creatures are included. You don't need to redownload this file if you already have the creature-images.

Give Feedback on reddit or the official ARK-forums.

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Bug-fixes for Imprinted Extraction

08 Jan 12:41
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  • Imprinted creatures can be extracted! A big thank you to @cassfalg who made the right suggestion how to solve it. The extraction may not work always, as the game sometimes "forgets" to increase some stats after a caring-action. A restart of the game or the server usually corrects this, so if an imprinted creature does not work, just try it again the next day (most servers do a restart in the night).
  • Small adjustment to the pedigree-view: if a stat is possibly a mutated one, the inheritance-arrow will be highlighted.

  • fix for extracting 100% imprinted creatures.

  • Added setting for BabyCuddleInterval
  • fix for Multiplier-handling when starting the tool without a loaded library. Thanks to @jasin for reporting and figuring that out!

  • Bugfixes:
    • fix for level-bar-maxWidth
    • fix for setting multipliers to official values
    • fix of too many decimals of imprintingBonus that lead to crash
    • fix for cuddleIntervall-Setting, also increased decimals to 3

Note: The image-files have to be downloaded separately: Creature-Images. Extract the folder "img" in the tool's folder to get better visuals of the creature's colors. Currently 7 creatures are included. You don't need to redownload this file if you already have the creature-images.

Give Feedback on reddit or the official ARK-forums.

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Support for Imprinted Creatures

07 Jan 17:17
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  • Imprinted creatures can be extracted! A big thank you to @cassfalg who made the right suggestion how to solve it. The extraction may not work always, as the game sometimes "forgets" to increase some stats after a caring-action. A restart of the game or the server usually corrects this, so if an imprinted creature does not work, just try it again the next day (most servers do a restart in the night).
  • Small adjustment to the pedigree-view: if a stat is possibly a mutated one, the inheritance-arrow will be highlighted.

  • fix for extracting 100% imprinted creatures.

  • Added setting for BabyCuddleInterval
  • fix for Multiplier-handling when starting the tool without a loaded library. Thanks to @jasin for reporting and figuring that out!

Note: The image-files have to be downloaded separately: Creature-Images. Extract the folder "img" in the tool's folder to get better visuals of the creature's colors. Currently 7 creatures are included. You don't need to redownload this file if you already have the creature-images.

Give Feedback on reddit or the official ARK-forums.

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Support for Imprinted Creatures

06 Jan 23:34
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  • Imprinted creatures can be extracted! A big thank you to @cassfalg who made the right suggestion how to solve it. The extraction may not work always, as the game sometimes "forgets" to increase some stats after a caring-action. A restart of the game or the server usually corrects this, so if an imprinted creature does not work, just try it again the next day (most servers do a restart in the night).
  • Small adjustment to the pedigree-view: if a stat is possibly a mutated one, the inheritance-arrow will be highlighted.

  • fix for extracting 100% imprinted creatures.

Note: The image-files have to be downloaded separately: Creature-Images. Extract the folder "img" in the tool's folder to get better visuals of the creature's colors. Currently 7 creatures are included. You don't need to redownload this file if you already have the creature-images.

Give Feedback on reddit or the official ARK-forums.

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Support for Imprinted Creatures

06 Jan 23:10
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  • Imprinted creatures can be extracted! A big thank you to @cassfalg who made the right suggestion how to solve it. The extraction may not work always, as the game sometimes "forgets" to increase some stats after a caring-action. A restart of the game or the server usually corrects this, so if an imprinted creature does not work, just try it again the next day (most servers do a restart in the night).
  • Small adjustment to the pedigree-view: if a stat is possibly a mutated one, the inheritance-arrow will be highlighted.

Note: The image-files have to be downloaded separately: Creature-Images. Extract the folder "img" in the tool's folder to get better visuals of the creature's colors. Currently 7 creatures are included. You don't need to redownload this file if you already have the creature-images.

Give Feedback on reddit or the official ARK-forums.

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