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Releases: cadon/ARKStatsExtractor

Fix for loading new libraries

12 Apr 19:53
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Patch-Notes for 0.18.6

  • Fix for loading old libraries

There's nothing else new in this release, if you don't need to load old libraries and have 0.18.5 there's no need to download this version.

Note: The image-files are not included in this release, just use the ones of one of the previous-releases.

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Max-possible Levels, Angler-Fix

11 Apr 22:03
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Patch-Notes for 0.18.5

  • Fix of hidden window when exiting the tool minimized.
  • Added max possible level to library-detail-view, added nr of dom-levels and max-levels to tester, each with max possible.
  • Removed Oxygen-stat from Angler
  • Breeding Plan recalculates faster / on select.

Note: The image-files are not included in this release, just use the ones of one of the previous-releases.

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Support the development of this tool: Buy me a Coffee

Editing more Properties in the Tester, Tool remembers more settings

10 Apr 19:58
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Patch-Notes for 0.18.4

  • Editing a creature in the Tester now also saves name, owner, gender and parents.
  • Images are cached for better performance for 5 days (then deleted if not used).
  • SortOrder of Library is saved.
  • LibrarySpeciesList remembers selected species when changed.
  • Fixed breeding-multiplier-applying.

Note: The image-files are not included in this release, just use the ones of the previous-release.

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Easier Editing, Fixes

06 Apr 22:56
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Patch-Notes for 0.18.3

  • Easier editing the levels by rightclicking on a creature, adjust the levels in the Tester and save it from there.
  • Fix: new added creatures are considered in the breedingplan without restart.
  • Fix for Procoptodon-values.
  • Colorfix for images

Note: The image-files are not included in this release, just use the ones of the previous-release.

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Larger Images, Fixes, Adjustments

02 Apr 17:25
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Patch-Notes for 0.18.1

  • Custom-Weighings in Breeding-Plan (right click in weighting-area to access)
  • Increased size of colored creature images in pedigree. Colors not very accurate for low saturation-colors yet.
  • Fix of Topstat-count

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Breeding Planner

01 Apr 13:14
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Patch-Notes for 0.18

  • BreedingPlan to show the best pairs to breed
  • Creaturecolors
  • added Multisetter to set properties of multiple creatures at once
  • autosave with backupfiles
  • added Legends to pedigree and breedingplaner
  • added Gallimimus and Terror Bird
  • added settings for breedingmultipliers (also saved in library-file)
  • fixed Save-bug (reduces size of save-file a lot)

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More user-settings are saved now, Percentiles for levels

26 Mar 19:30
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Patch-Notes for 0.17.8

  • windows-size and position is saved
  • column-widths are saved
  • Levelbars show the percentile of their occurence
  • Torpor-level fix (for real now)
  • Plesiosaur-extraction-fix part 1 (can still be buggy)
  • Layout-fix for Input-controls
  • Breedingvalues for Tester fixed
  • Added in-app settings for Multipliers
  • Levelwild (LW) - column-fix

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New Creature-Status: Unavailable

21 Mar 23:13
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Patch-Notes for 0.17.7

  • New Status: Unavailable. Set cretaures to unavailable if you don't have access to them, e.g. belong to another tribe etc. They can be hidden in the table and are not considered for the top-calculations.
  • New column LW: Shows the level the creature was found in the wild.
  • Torporlevel is set always correctly now.
  • bugfixes

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Mostly Fixes

21 Mar 15:58
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Patch-Notes for 0.17.6

  • Hidden owners are saved in library-file
  • Breeding values are calculated correctly now
  • Lock-buttons bigger and colored
  • Procoptodon-stats corrected
  • bugfixes

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Better finding the correct combination, creatures can be marked as dead

20 Mar 14:54
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Patch-Notes for 0.17.5

  • improved first shown level-combination, should be correct in many cases
  • multipliers are saved now in each library-file. Makes exchange easier and to maintain libraries of different servers.
  • parents with zero equal stats are sorted to the end of the parent-list
  • parent-list has tooltips, so long names can be seen easier
  • creatures can be marked as dead. Dead creatures are ignored for the top-breeding-calculations and can be hidden in the library.
  • bugfixes

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