I'm a Brazilian student, from the state of Alagoas, who early became fascinated with the strangeness of nature. This passion, leads me to an undergraduate course in Physics, in which I worked as a scientific initiation student in computational physics projects, and the capability of computing techniques to unveil couterintuitive aspects of nature changed entirely my world-view. Along my survey on Computational Physics, I've learned programming languages as C
, Fortran
and Python
, besides a little bit of Matlab
and Julia
. Nowadays, besides being a MSc student in Physics, I'm an early undergraduate student in Computer Engineering, hoping to aggregate knowledges from both areas to see through different viewpoints.
I always loved being challenged, because this usually turns out in opportunities to learn more and grow up my skills. This urge for challenges impeled me to dive into the realm of novel quantum technologies, and since my research group is focused on design of photonic devices, I am eager to understand both protocols of quantum communication as quantum algorithms and the possibility of their implementations through optical devices, hoping to help on pushing further the current computing and cryptography capabilities.
Understand the effects of optical devices (even more that ones with non-linear responses) on light are of enormous importance and encompass an important source of novel applications. This repository aims to provide a simple and optimized
toolkit for simulation and lab utils on classical and quantum optics, encompassing optical media effects (even if it presents non-linear responses).
Data Structures and Algorithms in C
This repository has the aim to gather source-codes developed on C programming language along my Programation I and Data Structures courses, while undergraduate student in Computer Engineering at IC - UFAL. The repository is written in Brazilian Portuguese (my native language) with some examples of code from the huxley (platform where the problems were posed), and some examples developed as exercises.