neovim in a container with coc all setup to work with rust and python.
- Recommended font JetBrains mono
docker build -t casonadams/vi .
docker run -v $(pwd):/p:z -it casonadams/vi bash
cp ide /usr/local/bin
cd /some/project
ide <file>
Install wanted coc-extentions
CocInstall marketplace
CocList marketplace
extentions are saved to `~/.nvim-container`
- These are the few I use all the time there are others look at the
Keys | Command |
gd | Go to def |
gr | Show usages |
SPACE rn | Rename |
SPACE e | Show diag |
gcc | Toggle comment |
Shift + K | Show Hover |
g[ | Buffer previous |
g] | Buffer next |
d[ | Diag previous |
d] | Diag next |