Cross Browser Testing using Traditional approach and Applitools AI with Ultrafast Grid Using Pytest and Selenium
Note: Traditional tests can be viewed as html reports and screenshot is available for failures embedded within html report.
Python 3 and pip
Clone the repo:
$ git clone
Install pip
the python package installer, if you don't already have it:
$ sudo easy_install pip
Next, install the required dependencies:
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
Using pytest:
To execute all tests
$ pytest --env=v1 -s tests
Default executes on version v1 if no env is provided (-s to print console output)
$ pytest -s tests
To execute Traditional tests only
$ pytest --env=v1 -s tests/TradionalTests
To execute Modern tests only
$ pytest --env=v1 -s tests/ModernTests
To Execute the tests on different version, change --env=v2 as below
$ pytest --env=v2 -s tests/ModernTests
To generate html report use --html command line option
$ pytest --env=v2 -s tests/TraditionalTests --hmtl report.html
To execute the tests in parallel use -n command line option
$ pytest --env=v2 -s tests/TraditionalTests -n 3
Optional: Using tox (separate installation required):
$ tox -- --env=v1 -s tests/TradionalTests