feather Public
Forked from feathericons/featherSimply beautiful open source icons
tiptap Public
Forked from ueberdosis/tiptapThe headless editor framework for web artisans.
react-native-navigation Public
Forked from wix/react-native-navigationA complete native navigation solution for React Native
feathers-knex Public
Forked from feathersjs-ecosystem/feathers-knexService adapters for KnexJS a query builder for PostgreSQL, MySQL, MariaDB, Oracle and SQLite3
docs-1 Public
Forked from aws-amplify/docsAmplify Framework Documentation
lodash Public
Forked from lodash/lodashA modern JavaScript utility library delivering modularity, performance, & extras.
vue-simple-context-menu Public
Forked from johndatserakis/vue-simple-context-menu📌 Simple context-menu component built for Vue. Works well with both left and right clicks. Nothing too fancy, just works and is simple to use.
feathers Public
Forked from feathersjs/feathersA REST and real-time API layer for Node.js, React Native and the browser.
rxdb Public
Forked from pubkey/rxdb💻 📱 A reactive Database for Progressive Web Apps and more
vue-cli-plugin-storybook Public
Forked from storybookjs/vue-cli-plugin-storybookVue CLI plugin for Storybook
casl Public
Forked from stalniy/caslCASL is an isomorphic authorization JavaScript library which restricts what resources a given user is allowed to access
vue-apollo Public
Forked from vuejs/apollo🚀 Apollo/GraphQL integration for VueJS
vscode-jetbrains-keybindings Public
Forked from isudox/vscode-jetbrains-keybindings🔌 JetBrains IDE Keymap Extension for VS Code
slate-plugins Public
Forked from ianstormtaylor/slate-pluginsA set of my personal Slate editor plugins, in a monorepo.
slate Public
Forked from ianstormtaylor/slateA completely customizable framework for building rich text editors.
draft-js-code Public
Forked from SamyPesse/draft-js-codeCollection of utilities to make code blocks edition easy in DraftJS
draft-js Public
Forked from facebookarchive/draft-jsA React framework for building text editors.
electron-react-boilerplate Public
Forked from electron-react-boilerplate/electron-react-boilerplateLive editing development on desktop app
nodejs-api-starter Public
Forked from kriasoft/graphql-starter-kitBoilerplate and tooling for authoring data API backends with Node.js and GraphQL
web-maker Public
Forked from chinchang/web-makerA blazing fast & offline web playground
docs Public
Forked from adonisjs/legacy-docsOfficial docs on website are stored here
1 UpdatedMay 10, 2017 -
adonis-framework Public
Forked from adonisjs/coreNodeJs Web Application Framework. Makes it easy for you to write webapps with less code 😃
git-time-machine Public
Forked from littlebee/git-time-machineAtom package that allows you to travel back in commit history
core Public
Forked from dotnet/coreHome repository for .NET Core
laravel-api-autodoc Public
Forked from rabble-rouser/laravel-api-autodocAn automatic api documentation generator for Laravel applications.