Need Xcode 6, iOS 7 or above.
Better run git clone
and checkout the version with description version for App Store submission
since it's highly possible that my recent commits have broken the application...
PS: The App is mainly based on Storyboard.
You can download the app here:
FMDB (provided)
Everyone’s created and used some kind of to-do list at some point in their life, though most people don’t actually get a lot out of them. Either the list becomes so overwhelming that you just end up throwing it out, or the things you put on your list just aren’t actionable.
In 72 Hours, every time you think of a goal, we force you to break the goal into actionable task and finish the small task one at a time.
It is a simple and easy to use goal management tool. You'll get started in no time, entering and organizing all your goals in mind.
Active Tab: To capture all the goals you want to achieve with time limitation for each specific action.
Done Tab: To review goals you have achieved.
Dead Tab: To record all the goals that you forget to take actions. You can bring a goal to life if you really want to achieve that goal.
Under the MIT license