pollards-rho-method In this function we make use of Pollard's rho method to solve the discrete logarithm problem $$ g^t = h \in \mathbb{F}_p^* $$ Where $g$ is a primitive root modulo $p$. The idea is to find a collision between $g^i h^j$ and $g^k h^l$ for some known exponents $i,j,k,l$ The function we use to create the discrete dynamical system is simple $$ f(x) = \begin{cases} gx, 0 \leq x < p/3 \\ x^2, p/3 \leq x < 2p/3 \\ hx, 2p/3 \leq x < p \end{cases} $$ Usage Simple enough to use: rho_method g h p