- Sign in your personal account to get access to more features and functions
- Optimized the caching mechanism to increase the performance in Browser Mode
- Added the new channel 'Douyu' in Browser mode
- Enhanced the time indicator to allow toggling the display of total time and elapsed time
- Added the button for opening local video files in Browser Mode
- Added multiple button tooltips in Browser Mode
- Fixed a bug where the timeline of the AI Translation was not correct
- Fixed the issue where some FLV format videos might show black screen
- Fixed the high memory usage issue while switching videos frequently
- Fixed the issue that SPlayer cannot be set as the default video player
- More minor bug fixes and improvements
- 全新账户系统以使用户登录后使用更多功能和特性
- 优化浏览器缓存管理提高性能
- 浏览器模式新增斗鱼直播频道
- 在播放界面点击当前播放时间可以显示视频总时长
- 增加浏览器模式下打开本地视频按钮
- 增加浏览器按钮的文字提示
- 修复部分AI翻译和音频时间对不上的问题
- 修复播放部分FLV视频会黑屏的问题
- 修复频繁切换视频导致内存占用过大的问题
- 修复无法设为默认播放器的问题
- 修复其他已发现的问题