CAH is a local pass-and-play android clone of the Cards Against Humanity party game. The official version of Cards Against Humanity can be found here: This android application is in no way sponsored by It is a personal project I have undertaken to learn android development.
Just like the official game, CAH is distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike license. This restricts CAH from appearing in any app store such as Google Play. The best I can do is provide the .apk file for download here. Jan 2023 Update: this apk is 10 years old at this point and may not function properly on all modern Android versions. It still works fine on Android 13 though!
This is my first android project and I am learning as I go. Any feedback is appreciated.
Note: CAH requires android.permission.INTERNET for sending crash reports (uses the ACRA library).
Launch icon from IconArchive
Many cards from the Internet card set were gathered from reddit/r/cahideas