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Object Identifiers

clanner edited this page Feb 9, 2015 · 1 revision

Object Identifiers

These are the id's used in commands, or in the resource list at the end of the OwnHomeData message.

id's below 500 million are related to items found in .csv files, above are related to the current game state.

id name
1xxxxxx [[buildings
2xxxxxx [[locales
3xxxxxx [[resources
4xxxxxx [[characters
5xxxxxx [[animations
6xxxxxx [[projectiles
7xxxxxx [[building_classes
8xxxxxx [[obstacles
9xxxxxx [[effects
10xxxxxx [[particle_emitters
11xxxxxx [[experience_levels
12xxxxxx [[traps
13xxxxxx [[alliance_badges
14xxxxxx [[globals
15xxxxxx [[townhall_levels
16xxxxxx [[alliance_portal
17xxxxxx [[npcs
18xxxxxx [[decos
19xxxxxx [[resource_packs
20xxxxxx [[shields
21xxxxxx [[missions
22xxxxxx [[billing_packages
23xxxxxx [[achievements
24xxxxxx [[credits
25xxxxxx [[faq
26xxxxxx [[spells
27xxxxxx [[hints
28xxxxxx [[heroes
29xxxxxx [[leagues
30xxxxxx [[news
500xxxxxx Building
501xxxxxx Character
502xxxxxx Projectile
503xxxxxx Obstacle
504xxxxxx Trap
505xxxxxx AlliancePortal
506xxxxxx Deco
507xxxxxx Spell
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