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Protocol Messages
These are the messages used by the ClashOfClans protocol.
id's below 20000 are from client to server, above from server to client.
| id | name | | --- | ---- | | 10101 | Login | | 10102 | LoginUsingSession | | 10103 | CreateAccount | | 10107 | ClientCapabilities | | 10108 | KeepAlive | | 10112 | AuthenticationCheck | | 10113 | SetDeviceToken | | 10116 | ResetAccount | | 10117 | ReportUser | | 10118 | AccountSwitched | | 10150 | AppleBillingRequest | | 10151 | GoogleBillingRequest | | 10200 | CreateAvatar | | 10201 | SelectAvatar | | 10206 | SendChatToAvatar | | 10212 | ChangeAvatarName | | 10501 | AcceptFriend | | 10502 | AddFriend | | 10503 | AskForAddableFriends | | 10504 | AskForFriendList | | 10506 | RemoveFriend | | 10507 | AddFriendByEmail | | 10509 | AddFriendByAvatarNameAndCode | | 10512 | AskForPlayingGamecenterFriends | | 10513 | AskForPlayingFacebookFriends | | 10901 | AskForMailList | | 10904 | TakeMailAttachments | | 14101 | AttackResult | | 14102 | EndClientTurn | | 14104 | AskForTargetHomeList | | 14106 | AttackHome | | 14108 | ChangeHomeName | | 14113 | VisitHome | | 14114 | HomeBattleReplay | | 14123 | AttackMatchedHome | | 14134 | AttackNpc | | 14201 | BindFacebookAccount | | 14211 | UnbindFacebookAccount | | 14212 | BindGamecenterAccount | | 14262 | BindGoogleServiceAccount | | 14301 | CreateAlliance | | 14302 | AskForAllianceData | | 14303 | AskForJoinableAlliancesList | | 14305 | JoinAlliance | | 14306 | ChangeAllianceMemberRole | | 14307 | KickAllianceMember | | 14308 | LeaveAlliance | | 14309 | AskForAllianceUnitDonations | | 14310 | DonateAllianceUnit | | 14315 | ChatToAllianceStream | | 14316 | ChangeAllianceSettings | | 14317 | RequestJoinAlliance | | 14321 | RespondToAllianceJoinRequest | | 14322 | SendAllianceInvitation | | 14323 | JoinAllianceUsingInvitation | | 14324 | SearchAlliances | | 14325 | AskForAvatarProfile | | 14330 | SendAllianceMail | | 14331 | HomeShareReplay | | 14401 | AskForAllianceRankingList | | 14403 | AskForAvatarRankingList | | 14404 | AskForAvatarLocalRankingList | | 14405 | AskForAvatarStream | | 14418 | RemoveAvatarStreamEntry | | 14503 | AskForLeagueMemberList | | 14715 | SendGlobalChatLine | | 16000 | LogicDeviceLinkCodeRequest | | 16001 | LogicDeviceLinkMenuClosed | | 16002 | LogicDeviceLinkEnterCode | | 16003 | LogicDeviceLinkConfirmYes | | 20000 | Encryption | | 20101 | CreateAccountResult | | 20103 | LoginFailed | | 20104 | LoginOk | | 20105 | FriendList | | 20106 | FriendListUpdate | | 20107 | AddableFriends | | 20108 | AddFriendFailed | | 20109 | FriendOnlineStatus | | 20110 | FriendLoggedIn | | 20111 | FriendLoggedOut | | 20117 | ReportUserStatus | | 20118 | ChatAccountBanStatus | | 20121 | BillingRequestFailed | | 20151 | AppleBillingProcessedByServer | | 20152 | GoogleBillingProcessedByServer | | 20161 | ShutdownStarted | | 20171 | PersonalBreakStarted | | 20201 | AvatarData | | 20202 | CreateAvatarFailed | | 20203 | CreateAvatarOk | | 20205 | AvatarNameChangeFailed | | 20801 | Notification | | 20903 | MailList | | 24101 | OwnHomeData | | 24103 | AttackHomeFailed | | 24104 | OutOfSync | | 24105 | TargetHomeList | | 24106 | AttackReportList | | 24107 | EnemyHomeData | | 24109 | HomeStatusList | | 24111 | AvailableServerCommand | | 24112 | WaitingToGoHome | | 24113 | VisitedHomeData | | 24114 | HomeBattleReplayData | | 24115 | ServerError | | 24116 | HomeBattleReplayFailed | | 24133 | NpcData | | 24201 | FacebookAccountBound | | 24202 | FacebookAccountAlreadyBound | | 24211 | GamecenterAccountBound | | 24212 | GamecenterAccountAlreadyBound | | 24214 | FacebookAccountUnbound | | 24261 | GoogleServiceAccountBound | | 24262 | GoogleServiceAccountAlreadyBound | | 24301 | AllianceData | | 24302 | AllianceJoinFailed | | 24303 | AllianceJoinOk | | 24304 | JoinableAllianceList | | 24305 | AllianceLeaveOk | | 24306 | ChangeAllianceMemberRoleOk | | 24307 | KickAllianceMemberOk | | 24308 | AllianceMember | | 24309 | AllianceMemberRemoved | | 24310 | AllianceList | | 24311 | AllianceStream | | 24312 | AllianceStreamEntry | | 24318 | AllianceStreamEntryRemoved | | 24319 | AllianceJoinRequestOk | | 24320 | AllianceJoinRequestFailed | | 24321 | AllianceInvitationSendFailed | | 24322 | AllianceInvitationSentOk | | 24324 | 24332 | AllianceCreateFailed | | 24333 | AllianceChangeFailed | | 24334 | AvatarProfile | | 24335 | 24338 | 24401 | AllianceRankingList | | 24402 | 24403 | AvatarRankingList | | 24404 | AvatarLocalRankingList | | 24411 | AvatarStream | | 24412 | AvatarStreamEntry | | 24418 | AvatarStreamEntryRemoved | | 24503 | LeagueMemberList | | 24715 | GlobalChatLine | | 25892 | Disconnected | | 26002 | LogicDeviceLinkCodeResponse | | 26003 | LogicDeviceLinkNewDeviceLinked | | 26004 | LogicDeviceLinkCodeDeactivated | | 26005 | LogicDeviceLinkResponse | | 26007 | LogicDeviceLinkDone | | 26008 | LogicDeviceLinkError |