ngCclib is an AngularJS wrapper for the cloudControl RESTful API. For more information about the cloudControl API, please check out this page.
- AngularJS 1.2.x
- AngularJS modules:
- ngResource 1.2.x
- angular-cache 1.2.x
The tests require Karma, Karma-PhantomJS-Launcher and Karma-Jasmine to be installed.
Download and install NodeJS, then run:
$ npm install
This will install Bower and call bower install
, which in turn will install the desired dependencies.
The ngCclib module is meant to be used as a regular AngularJS module. Authentication relies on a API token. The cc_token object gets loaded from local storage and should be of the following format: {"token":"aAbBcC..."}
(Note that the /token endpoint of the cloudControl API returns the appropriate object.)
The module also provides a configuration service which allows the user to change the URI of the API to the calls are to be made. The defaut URI is set to be, but can be changed in the configuration phase of the initialisation.
angular.module('myApp').config(['configurationServiceProvider', function (configurationServiceProvider) {
The set API URI can then be accessed using configurationService.api_uri
The /tests/app folder contains the unittests for ngCclib. Those are written using the Jasmine framework. The above mentionned folder follows a structure similar to the one of our source code.
The tests are run using Karma. To run the tests, type:
$ npm test
This library is distributed under the Apapche License.