CO2 Monitor with logging to Adafruit IO using an Adafruit ESP32-S3 TFT and Adafruit SCD-40 CO2/Temperature/Humidity breakout board
SCD-40 is connected via STEMMA
This logs using Adafruit IO to three items in a group:
, 'co2-monitor-group.temperature'
, 'co2-monitor-group.humidity'
. You can change the names if you desire and make a cool dashboard for them or not, I'm not your dad do what you want.
Rather than hammer the network with constant updates this keeps a running average of values and only upates AdafruitIO every 10 minutes or so.
In the event of errors publishing to AdafruitIO or network errors the board will automatically try to reconnect or eventually reset. The Neopixel is used to indicated network status.
Tested with Circuitpython 8.x. You need these libraries in /lib: adafruit_bus_device, adafruit_display_text, adafruit_io, adafruit_minimqtt, adafruit_scd4x, adafruit_st7789, neopixel