Automate CSS regression testing with PhantomCSS
This is a fork of the original (presumably discontinued) repository of grunt-phantomcss and anselmh and micahgodbolt ( Currently this version here is untagged and unreleased on npm. You can install the original with "npm install grunt-phantomcss". However, you can install and use this version:
Add this to your package.json
"grunt-phantomcss": "git://",
or, alternatively, type this into your command line interface:
npm install --save-dev git://
This plugins needs phantomjs installed globally:
npm install -g phantomjs
- Use phantomjs from phantomcss to remove the need for global installation of phantomjs. (Fatal error: spawn EACCES)
This plugin requires Grunt ~0.4.1
If you haven't used Grunt before, be sure to check out the Getting Started guide, as it explains how to create a Gruntfile as well as install and use Grunt plugins
Once the plugin has been installed, it may be enabled inside your Gruntfile with this line of JavaScript:
In your project's Gruntfile, add a section named phantomcss
to the data object passed into grunt.initConfig()
phantomcss: {
options: {},
your_target: {
options: {
screenshots: 'test/visual/screenshots/',
results: 'results/visual/',
viewportSize: [1280, 800],
mismatchTolerance: 0.05
src: [
grunt.registerTask('phantomcsstests', ['phantomcss']);
grunt phantomcsstests
Type: String|Array
The test files to run.
Type: Number
Default: 0.05
Toleranz of errors that is allowed in a screenshot (for instance to match anti-aliasing bugs).
Type: String
Default: './screenshots'
The screenshots directory where test fixtures (comparison screenshots) are stored. Baseline screenshots will be stored here on the first run if they're not present.
Type: String
Default: './results'
The directory to store source, diff, and failure screenshots after tests.
Type: Array
Default: [1280, 800]
The viewport size to test the site in [width, height]
format. Useful when testing responsive layouts.
Type: String
Default: error
The CasperJS log level. See CasperJS: Logging for details.
Run tests in test/visual/
against comparison screenshots stored in test/visual/screenshots/
, and put the resulting screenshots in results/visual/
phantomcss: {
options: {
screenshots: 'test/visual/screenshots/',
results: 'results/visual/'
src: [
Run tests in test/visual/
against comparison screenshots for destop and mobile.
phantomcss: {
desktop: {
options: {
screenshots: 'test/visual/desktop/',
results: 'results/visual/desktop',
viewportSize: [1024, 768]
src: [
mobile: {
options: {
screenshots: 'test/visual/mobile/',
results: 'results/visual/mobile',
viewportSize: [320, 480]
src: [
Test files should do the following:
- Start CasperJS with the URL you want to test
- Manipulate the page in some way
- Take screenshots
.then(function() {
phantomcss.screenshot('#todo-app', 'Main app');
.then(function() {
casper.fill('form.todo-form', {
todo: 'Item1'
}, true);
phantomcss.screenshot('#todo-app', 'Item added');
.then(function() {'.todo-done');
phantomcss.screenshot('#todo-app', 'Item checked off');
You can also load a local file by specifying a path (relative to the Gruntfile):
.then(function() {
// ...
Your first test file should use casper.start
.then(function() {
phantomcss.screenshot('#todo-app', 'Main app');
.then(function() {
casper.fill('form.todo-form', {
todo: 'Item1'
}, true);
phantomcss.screenshot('#todo-app', 'Item added');
Subsequent files should call casper.then
to continue the previous test.
casper.then(function() {'.todo-done');
phantomcss.screenshot('#todo-app', 'Item checked off');
You can also use casper.thenOpen
to load a new url and continue testing in subsequent files instead of casper.start
See the CasperJS documentation and the PhantomCSS documentation for more information on using CasperJS and PhantomCSS.
In lieu of a formal styleguide, take care to maintain the existing coding style. Add unit tests for any new or changed functionality. Lint and test your code using Grunt.