This is a portfolio website built with Next.js showcasing the work and projects of Cole.
- Gain more experience using typescript
- Use more advanced react hooks and techniques (Next.js 13.4)
- Showcase some quick javascript programs, AI projects
- Display past code examples and links to past projects
- Responsive design for mobile and desktop
- Dynamic content management
- SEO-optimized pages
- Fast page loads with server-side rendering
Before you begin, ensure you have met the following requirements:
- You have installed the latest version of Node.js and npm. You can install them from here.
To install Cole's Next.js Portfolio, follow these steps:
Clone the repo git clone
Go into the repo cd nextjs-portfolio
Install the dependencies npm install
To use Cole's Next.js Portfolio, follow these steps:
Start the development server npm run dev
Open your web browser and go to
You should now be able to see the project running on your local machine.