Core definitions of bibliograph packages
Here all bits and pieces are defined which are commonly used by the packagages sharing the bibliograph namespace. We provide some interfaces here:
IBibliographicReference is an interface for a single content object with a given schema which can be rendered as a bibliographic entry (bibtex, endnote, ris, etc.):
>>> from bibliograph.core import interfaces >>> 'IBibliographicReference' in dir(interfaces) True
IBibliographyExport is a marker for a container directly containing single exportable IBibliographicReference objects:
>>> 'IBibliographyExport' in dir(interfaces) True
Another part of the package are utility methods and a collection of encodings used within python and latex including a mapping.
A utility method bin_search is included. It acts like the which-command on posix systems. It returns the full path of an executeable command, if it is found in the PATH environment variable.
You may overload the PATH environment variable with another environment variable: BIBUTILS_PATH. Executeables in this location will be found as well.
- Homepage:
- Code repository:
- Tom Gross, [email protected], Author
- Raphael Ritz, [email protected], Renderers
- Andreas Jung, [email protected], bugfixes