follow these instructions to deploy rexmit
discord bot token
cmake (only if you require rust-analyzer for dev)
some operating systems may require modifying
/etc/hosts localhost www.localhost api.localhost
if you're on a mac, airplay receiver uses port 5000. you can disable airplay receiver by navigating to system preferences > sharing > uncheck airplay receiver
- please note that subsequent builds will be significantly less time consuming thanks to layer caching
- initial build on an apple m1 is ~6min
- successive builds are ~2min
clone this repository
change directory to this repository
enter environment variables
chmod +x scripts/ scripts/
example: postgres-user = postgres postgres-password = postgres discord-token = <token>
create required docker volumes
docker volume create rexmit-redis docker volume create rexmit-postgres
orchestrate the composition
docker compose -f docker-compose-debug.yml up -d --build
rexmit will connect to discord and be ready for guild invitations
some commands while in a voice channel to get started
~join ~leave ~play
actix for backend api
serenity with songbird for discord
yew for frontend api
nginx for http/https
postgres for sql storage
redis for caching